Department of Communication, UCSD

Parent: UC San Diego

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
73t260cmEncyclopedia Entry — Counterpublic69358111283.8%
9tj5n3jxFinancialized Hollywood: Institutional Investment, Venture Capital, and Private Equity in the Film and Television Industry3075824918.9%
6xk920pjDifference and Dependence among Digital Workers: The Case of Amazon Mechanical Turk2918320828.5%
7gx0z2bvWe Are Dynamo129448534.1%
4vs431tvThe Work of Art in the Age of Digital Fragility119388131.9%
3mz2d0kkThe Labor of Maintaining and Scaling Free and Open-Source Software Projects11891097.6%
1tk3886vDisruptive Fixation School Reform and the Pitfalls of Techno-Idealism108268224.1%
2x10h7rsThe cultural work of microwork99564356.6%
3t613329The global social problem film76641284.2%
6r820956Making Algorithms Public: Reimagining Auditing from Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern67511676.1%
7m6819chWall Street’s Content Wars: Financing Media Consolidation63115217.5%
5pg995cgPhilosophy of the Social Sciences6295314.5%
48k0j3kmCritical Affects57193833.3%
6z42z6scFools Banished from the Kingdom: Remapping Geographies of Gang Violence between the Americas (Los Angeles and San Salvador)5750787.7%
33q5t84vHackathons and the Making of Entrepreneurial Citizenship53351866.0%
6tm0g8x7Book Review: Savage Frontier: Making News and Security on the Argentine Border514477.8%
5x60j08sGreen Magic: On Technologies of Enchantment at Apple's Corporate Headquarters5054510.0%
7c34v77kThe Art of Opacity37181948.6%
96q771w6Broken Promises of Civic Innovation: Technological, Organizational, Fiscal, and Equity Challenges of GE Current CityIQ37162143.2%
06w4d22xTransportation for Smart and Equitable Cities: Integrating Taxis and Mass Transit for Access, Emissions Reduction, and Planning3252715.6%
30r3z3cnContested Care: COVID-19 Surveillance and Health Data in the Workplace3225778.1%
89d7826nHow Secrecy Leads to Bad Public Technology32122037.5%
6j30k3t9Hackathons and the Cultivation of Platform Dependence31171454.8%
7c95k2mnSubir las noticias al bajar del monte: El experimento de las FARC en Cuba con la televisión en línea, 2012–2016"302286.7%
2h92w3n7Participatory Design Research as a Practice for Systemic Repair: Doing Hand-in-Hand Math Research with Families2982127.6%
62m6z3x1Transitar hacia la paz en Colombia. Entre la promesa y la ilusión en dos experiencias históricas (1953-2017)29111837.9%
4zb7n6rdHow Things Work262247.7%
9bv7t56jThe CIA in Hollywood: how the agency shapes film and television2561924.0%
3px8m88xThe cultural life of objectsThe cultural life of objects24111345.8%
8bs3h4s3Making Sustainability ConcreteDesigns for Green Architecture in Silicon Valley2451920.8%
8vn5b3f8Facebook: Corporate Hackers, a Billion Users, and the Geo-politics of the "Social Graph"24141058.3%
4gc7k24qWhat is digital labor and how does it change us? Heteromation and other stories of computing and capitalism2281436.4%
7zz8s1m7Living Theory Gender Play <i>and Learning to Live a Life Less Ordinary</i>2261627.3%
96v7x3rmThe Politics of Knowledge. An Introduction21111052.4%
6308c4btTHE MULTIPLE BODIES OF THE MEDICAL RECORD: Towards a Sociology of an Artifact2014670.0%
0gn9c3tcPacifista, between Vice and Virtue: Funding Digital Journalism for a “Generation of Peace” in Colombia1961331.6%
3sr1b8qrFrom critical design to critical infrastructure: lessons from turkopticon1761135.3%
58f444ksAsiaA Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness1751229.4%
64g8x6krGangster in guerilla face1631318.8%
21g0r5wfManaged by code: Worker problems on Amazon's Mechanical Turk platform1521313.3%
2wt0742jIs It Time to Rethink Motion Artifacts? Temporal Relationships between Electrodermal Activity and Body Movements in Real-Life Conditions145935.7%
4310j15tHackathons: Labor, Politics, and the Organization of Public Passions147750.0%
61p1m9s2Hostile remixes on YouTube: A new constraint on pro-FARC counterpublics in Colombia146842.9%
0mf5198cTechnology, legal knowledge and citizenship. On the care of Locked-in Syndrome Patients134930.8%
35r3r43xHanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out Kids Living and Learning with New Media1321115.4%
6tn9w0p6Video Game Culture, Contentious Masculinities, and Reproducing Racialized Social Class Divisions in Middle School136746.2%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.