Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies

Parent: UC San Diego

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for August through November, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
8j647429Drug Trafficking Organizations and Counter-Drug Strategies in the U.S.-Mexican Context84014169916.8%
18w2r3h7El Sistema Penitenciario Mexicano2782195978.8%
07f5g232NAFTA, Trade, and Development1948810645.4%
39n4r9nfIndicadores de Seguridad Pública en México: La Construcción de un Sistema de Estadísticas Delictivas1634112225.2%
0wx5n64jAbuso Policial en la Ciudad de México1212110017.4%
1sq4g254Police Forces in Mexico: A Profile11651114.3%
0p66x3vxEvaluando la “Estrategía Giuliani”: la Política de Cero Tolerancia en el Distrito Federal83107312.0%
6zr8t8swTrabajo femenino, Empoderamiento y Bienestar de la Familia78166220.5%
9wh8s0bkLa Migración Centroamericana en la Frontera Sur: un Perfil del Riesgo en la Migración Indocumentada Internacional78502864.1%
30s6n73sCampaign Finance and Playing Field "Levelness" Issues in the Run-up to Mexico's July 2006 Presidential Election761751.3%
04f712d0La Militarización de la Procuraduría General de la República: Riesgos para la Democracia Mexicana75136217.3%
9wq0x96kLa Investigación de los Delitos y la Subversión de los Principios del Subsistema Penal en México67115616.4%
3gj7c59gDiferentes pero Iguales: los Pueblos Indígenas en México y el Acceso a la Justicia64164825.0%
3xn8j42kEl comportamiento del mercado de trabajo en América Latina en el contexto de la globalización económica63471674.6%
1r11k883Educación y Entrenamiento Policial para la Democracia5885013.8%
3dd8w0r6The New Meaning of the Border: U.S.-Mexico Migration Since 9/1152114121.2%
72n33714Developing a Community Tradition of Migration: A Field Study in rural Zacatecas, Mexico, and California Settlement Areas49212842.9%
3th31731A Historical Perspective on Crime in Twentieth-Century Mexico City47212644.7%
520291zbNeopopulist Solutions to Neoliberal Problems: Mexico's National Solidarity Problem430430.0%
64h1q2zmEl Campo Queretano En Transición43241955.8%
1nq463dqThe Mexican Left, The Popular Movements, and the Politics of Austerity410410.0%
41n39881La Participación Ciudadana y el Enfoque Micro Social de la Seguridad Pública: El Caso de Baja California413387.3%
2cf7v421Reforma Legal, Cambio Social y Opinión Pública: Los Códigos de 1871, 1929 y 1931; Versión Preliminar (1871 – 1917)39102925.6%
4mm7c9m8Militarización de la Seguridad Pública en México ¿Actualización o Permanencia Histórica?3892923.7%
9nx130m2The Virgin, the Priest, and the Flag: Political Mobilization of Mexican Immigrants in Chicago, Houston, and New York3553014.3%
9w66h4fkMexican Sugarcane Growers: Economic Restructuring and Political Options33122136.4%
3v3166pnEconomic Restructuring and Rural Subsistence in Mexico: Corn and the Crisis of the 1980s3282425.0%
4rf64696Viva Zapata!: Generation, Gender, and Historical Consciousness in the Reception of Ejido Reform in Oaxaca32131940.6%
5bz000d6Policia Preventiva en la Región Central de México y el Modelo Gaditano de Seguridad Interior32102231.3%
06k7j89kMigración Oaxaqueña a los Campos Agrícolas de California: Un Diálogo31131841.9%
2xh8h9sbLa Capacitación Judicial en México3182325.8%
3mb212p1The Uncertain Connection: Free Trade and Mexico-U.S. Migration30141646.7%
7f47m6wfNew Migrants vs. Old Migrants: Alternative Labor Market Structures in the California Citrus Industry30131743.3%
9z15x8sgPlanting Trouble: The Barzón Debtors’ Movement in Mexico3032710.0%
8nm6f6t7El campo queretano en transición2972224.1%
3h03344wWhen and Why “Law” and “Reality” Coincide? De Jure and De Facto Judicial Independence in Mexico, Argentina, and Chile28131546.4%
5jj6r82hEl Congreso Constituyente de 1916-1917 y la justicia penal.2872125.0%
81p1c75tLa Justicia Electoral Mexicana y la Anulación de Comicios:2832510.7%
1tc2579sSeguridad Pública, Justicia Penal y Derechos Humanos en el Estado de Jalisco (1995-2002)2762122.2%
3v39q4j0Analyzing the Performance of Local Government in Mexico: A Political Explanation of Municipal Budgetary Choices2652119.2%
5001c5qwUnweaving the Social Fabric: The Impact of Crime on Social Capital2671926.9%
69590158Environmental Protection and Natural Resources2652119.2%
6d13m8rcManaging Transborder Cooperation on Public Security: The Tijuana-San Diego Region262247.7%
3bw859bwCooperation and Conflict between Firms, Communities, New Social Movements and the Role of Government2432112.5%
7897f3wtLos Grandes Desafíos de la Educación Legal en México: El Programa de Derecho del CIDE2471729.2%
1ch2759hThe Challenge of Transparency: A Review of the Regulations Governing Access to Public Information in Mexican States2332013.0%
1kb4c76jThe U.S.-Mexico Relationship: Towards a New Era?231224.3%
2663k4thExploring Roads to Police Reform: Six Recommendations232218.7%
73v1n9n1Rural Responses to Climatic Variability and Institutional Change in Central Mexico2361726.1%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.