Welfare Policy Research Project

Parent: UC Office of the President

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
0rr619d4Working Against the Clock: The Implementation of Welfare Time Limits in California - Detailed Research Findings6395414.3%
1hw4p30qCalWORKs Sanction Policies in Four Counties: Practices, Attitudes, and Knowledge - Detailed Research Findings530530.0%
37g3510zTime Running Out: A Portrait of California Families Reaching the CalWORKs 60 Month Time Limit in 2004, Policy Brief362345.6%
9k03b016Assessing Barriers to Employment Among CalWORKs Recipients in San Joaquin County - Final Report221214.5%
9rv6p0rtTime Running Out: A Portrait of California Families Reaching the CalWORKs Time Limit in 2004, Detailed Research Findings150150.0%
686862x9California Immigrant Households and Public Assistance Participation in the 1990s - Detailed Research Findings1431121.4%
8m3197z4Barriers to Employment Among CalWORKs Recipients in San Joaquin County - Policy Brief141137.1%
29s5j48sCalifornia’s Immigrant Households and Public-Assistance Participation in the 1990s - Policy Brief130130.0%
82k0h7kdJob-Retention and Advancement Services for CalWORKs Participants: Initial Survey of County Practices - Policy Brief130130.0%
4xr9j64pJob-Retention and Advancement Services for CalWORKs Participants: Initial Survey of County Practices - Detailed Research Findings120120.0%
9j11p1mrCALWORKS Sanction Patterns in Four Counties - A Technical Analysis100100.0%
3kt8n3s7Working Against the Clock: Implementing Five-Year Welfare Time Limits in California - Policy Brief91811.1%
89b5t35vCalWORKs Sanction Policies in Four Counties: Practices, Attitudes, and Knowledge - Policy Brief8080.0%
87n363tbCalWORKs Sanction Patterns in Four Counties: An Analysis of Administrative Data - Briefing Paper71614.3%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.