Student Research Papers, Fall 2006

Parent: UCB Moorea Class: Biology and Geomorphology of Tropical Islands

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
355702bsPredator Defense Mechanisms in Shallow Water Sea Cucumbers (Holothuroidea)1984615223.2%
9jm2351gHabitat Distribution and Comparison of Brittle Star (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) Arm Regeneration on Moorea, French Polynesia85285732.9%
6vt6p2w8Distribution, Ecology, and Systematics of the Filmy Ferns (Hymenophyllaceae) of Moorea, French Polynesia65105515.4%
7b94s417Feeding Preference of the Cushion Star, Culcita Novaeguineae in Mo’orea535489.4%
8hk9852gDifferences in the Diunral and Nocturnal Defense Mechanisms of Octopus Bocki (Adams, 1941)5084216.0%
6db9m25gDoes the River Continuum Concept Work in Small Island Streams? Functional Feeding Group Variation Along a Longitudinal Gradient4954410.2%
1fz795cfHabitat and Bleaching in the Foraminiferan Peneroplis Pertusus36181850.0%
93n6h93rFactors Influencing Epiphyte Habitat Preference in Moorea, French Polynesia3032710.0%
12t2697dChristmas Colors : Colormorph Distribution of Spirobranchus Giganteus Pallas 1766 on Moorea, French Polynesia2662023.1%
52v27033Mutiny on the Bounty or Bountiful Mutants? Diversity and Composition of Wood-Decaying Macrofungi on Hibiscus Tiliaceus Wood in French Polynesia2361726.1%
67j9641rMorphological and Chemical Differences Among Populations of Hibiscus Tiliaceus Along an Elevational Gradient in Moorea, French Polynesia2241818.2%
7vq7s0xwInterspecific Insect Interactions and Mutualism on the Underside of Guava Psidium Guajava Leaves, Mo’orea, French Polynesia221214.5%
8xx4w41zInsect Biodiversity and Assessment of Herbivory in Native and Non-Native Plants in Mo’orea, French Polynesia222209.1%
7320c2dzFunction, Design, Scaling, and Sexual Differences of Dimorphic Chelae in the Land Crab, Cardisoma Carnifex2041620.0%
9pz5690tAncient Lawns in a Modern Day World: Distribution and Characterization of Marine Microbial Mats at Temae Beach, Moorea, French Polynesia1961331.6%
2f74g3hpIs the Tamanu Losing Turf? DIstribution and Propogation of the Economically Important Calophyllum Inophyllum of Moorea1821611.1%
3fb344vfResource Partitioning By Wintering Shorebirds : A Behavioral Comparison of Two Species in a Tropical Estuary189950.0%
9s6740frDisplays of Defense : Behavioral Differences in Antagonist Avoidance in Four Opisthobranch Mollusks161156.3%
71g4k00tDistribution and Dispersal of the South Pacifc Tree, Fagraea Berteriana (Loganiaceae)1441028.6%
4gb4v3zkOntogeny of Defense : Does Life History Affect Predator Response Behavior in the Pygmy Octopus, Octopus Bocki?93633.3%
7fq439n2Comparison of Food Preference and Behavior of Two Waterstriders Halobates Hawaiiensis and Limnogonus Luctuosus (Hemiptera: Gerridae) in Moorea, French Polynesia8080.0%

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