Student Research Papers, Fall 2006

Parent: UCB Moorea Class: Biology and Geomorphology of Tropical Islands

eScholarship stats: History by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-082024-072024-062024-05
7b94s417Feeding Preference of the Cushion Star, Culcita Novaeguineae in Mo’orea215152910071
355702bsPredator Defense Mechanisms in Shallow Water Sea Cucumbers (Holothuroidea)19435495654
9jm2351gHabitat Distribution and Comparison of Brittle Star (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) Arm Regeneration on Moorea, French Polynesia8215122332
12t2697dChristmas Colors : Colormorph Distribution of Spirobranchus Giganteus Pallas 1766 on Moorea, French Polynesia6625161213
6vt6p2w8Distribution, Ecology, and Systematics of the Filmy Ferns (Hymenophyllaceae) of Moorea, French Polynesia6617172012
6db9m25gDoes the River Continuum Concept Work in Small Island Streams? Functional Feeding Group Variation Along a Longitudinal Gradient562671013
3fb344vfResource Partitioning By Wintering Shorebirds : A Behavioral Comparison of Two Species in a Tropical Estuary46191845
9pz5690tAncient Lawns in a Modern Day World: Distribution and Characterization of Marine Microbial Mats at Temae Beach, Moorea, French Polynesia44201581
8hk9852gDifferences in the Diunral and Nocturnal Defense Mechanisms of Octopus Bocki (Adams, 1941)40713713
8xx4w41zInsect Biodiversity and Assessment of Herbivory in Native and Non-Native Plants in Mo’orea, French Polynesia40221035
1fz795cfHabitat and Bleaching in the Foraminiferan Peneroplis Pertusus37716104
71g4k00tDistribution and Dispersal of the South Pacifc Tree, Fagraea Berteriana (Loganiaceae)3491267
93n6h93rFactors Influencing Epiphyte Habitat Preference in Moorea, French Polynesia34131542
52v27033Mutiny on the Bounty or Bountiful Mutants? Diversity and Composition of Wood-Decaying Macrofungi on Hibiscus Tiliaceus Wood in French Polynesia2971084
9s6740frDisplays of Defense : Behavioral Differences in Antagonist Avoidance in Four Opisthobranch Mollusks2611852
2f74g3hpIs the Tamanu Losing Turf? DIstribution and Propogation of the Economically Important Calophyllum Inophyllum of Moorea2591051
7vq7s0xwInterspecific Insect Interactions and Mutualism on the Underside of Guava Psidium Guajava Leaves, Mo’orea, French Polynesia2314513
67j9641rMorphological and Chemical Differences Among Populations of Hibiscus Tiliaceus Along an Elevational Gradient in Moorea, French Polynesia2251025
7320c2dzFunction, Design, Scaling, and Sexual Differences of Dimorphic Chelae in the Land Crab, Cardisoma Carnifex2210534
7fq439n2Comparison of Food Preference and Behavior of Two Waterstriders Halobates Hawaiiensis and Limnogonus Luctuosus (Hemiptera: Gerridae) in Moorea, French Polynesia2261231
4gb4v3zkOntogeny of Defense : Does Life History Affect Predator Response Behavior in the Pygmy Octopus, Octopus Bocki?215952

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.