Restoration of Rivers and Streams (LA 227)

Parent: Water Resources Collections and Archives

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
1611w85pAdaptive management in river restoration : theory vs. practice in western North America9326132034
8t5919qfDaylighting Islais Creek : a feasibility study632218149
4m48c7x7Assessing the Feasibility of Creek Daylighting in San Francisco, Part I: A Synthesis of Lessons Learned from Existing Urban Daylighting Projects551412209
6hn643hwEvaluation of Riparian Restoration to Enhance Anadromous Fish Habitat along a Napa County Stream491415182
6t0066h4Evaluating the Effects of Vortex Rock Weir Stability on Physical Complexity: Penitencia and Wildcat Creeks491091515
80j3n0kkThe implementation of the Lower Silver Creek watershed project41912128
5cq6127xPost-Project Appraisal of Arroyo Viejo Creek Improvement Project, Oakland, California37106129
03m308k9Multifunctional Riverscapes: Stream restoration, Capability Brown’s water features, and artificial whitewater36129114
0q3257n9Blackberry Creek Daylighting Project, Berkeley : Ten-Year Post-Project Appraisal3576148
02v4m1hwChannel response to Dam Removal, Clear Creek, California3232189
1q18f2w6A restoration plan for the Fly River, Papua New Guinea317888
3x08s6thSaeltzer Dam Removal on Clear Creek 11 years later: An assessment of upstream channel changes since the dam's removal3165911
3fw2z0sfPiloting A Monitoring Program For CCC LWD Projects2878112
9rh2f4zrPost-Project Performance Assessment of a Multi-Phase Urban Stream Restoration Project on Lower Codornices Creek2758131
31x0q95r18 years of restoration on Codornices Creek2657122
71f373tgLithologic and structural controls on the wetlands of Rodeo Creek in the Marin Headlands, Golden Gate National Recreation, California2510762
7k8243b4Multifunctional Riverscapes: Stream restoration, Capability Brown's water features, and artificial whitewater2513525
29h3t2kwRestoring Regulation: An Assessment of the Regulatory Process for Restoration Projects2483121
4313c9vmPost-project appraisal of Martin Canyon Creek restoration231256
7rm646zkAssessing the Feasibility of Creek Daylighting in San Francisco, Part II: A Preliminary Analysis of Yosemite Creek231058
2864v3vrFloodplain reconnection and sediment capture at Chorro Flats, San Luis Obispo County: Post-project appraisal one decade after construction22886
063566w8Post-Project Evaluation of Channel Morphology, Invasive Plant Species, and Native Fish Habitat in Putah Creek in Winters, CA Six Years After Channel Relocation2143113
2pt0g709Redesigning Marsh Creek Dam to allow Chinook salmon passage, flood protection, and mercury sedimentation216564
3c76c585Tassajara Creek restoration project: Continued riparian habitat monitoring205483
4r6894pkUnderstanding wood-pool dynamics using long-term monitoring data from the Gualala River Watershed: What can we learn?204475
5z39x8jbParallel passageways: An assessment of salmon migration in the San Gregorio watershed209263
6439d8ffHydrologic Analysis and Restoration Considerations for the Upper Klamath Lake Sub-Basin, Klamath County Oregon1952102
2fz9q17xPost-Project Assessment of the 2003 Cerrito Creek Restoration and Recommendations for Additional Stormwater Management1852101
6618r5h4Along Sausal Creek : an assessment of vegetation, habitat, and morphology of an adopted urban creek182475
701237mfA long-term post-project evaluation of an urban stream restoration project (Baxter Creek, El Cerrito, California)181683
3ft991xcLooking forward, looking back : monitoring the Tassajara Creek Restoration Project1712122
41590906Post-Project Appraisal for the Winter Creek Restoration Redwood Grove, UC Botanical Gardens at Berkeley1733101
95j1z0vvBaxter Creek Gateway Park: assessment of an urban stream restoration project175183
2bc1c1c1Post-project appraisal of the Sausal Creek restoration project, Oakland, California164741
44q9n3wcPost Project Appraisal of Village Creek Restoration, Albany, CA165362
4hd7d7d4Contemporary streamkeepers : a comparison of two urban horticultural restoration programs16169
3q5236vtA Re-design Proposal: Connecting Whole Foods Market and Codornices Creek153354
5jh1g865Towards a Stable Future: A Design Proposal for Cerrito Creek in Blake Garden, Kensington, California15357
7n3132jpAlteration of the groundwater table due to construction of a floodplain bypass at Upper Pine Creek, Concord, California155262
8ht9p91zPost Project Appraisal of Cerrito Creek at El Cerrito Plaza155181
95z210sgRestoration Potential of a Mining-Impacted Urban Stream: Horseshoe Branch of Lion Creek, Oakland, CA154182
44r0s4c2A benthic macroinvertebrate survey of Secret Ravine : the effects of urbanization on species diversity and abundance142273
5jb6665rGully incision in Gerbode Creek, Rodeo Lagoon watershed14356
69g0v4brRestoration With Reference: Rediscovering Cerrito Creek in Blake Garden142273
9t57w5h1A Conceptual Restoration Plan and Tidal Hydrology Assessment for Reconnecting Spring Branch Creek to Suisun Marsh, Solano County, California144181
18x9j5dcTypes of Student Engagement and Commitment to Stream Stewardship: Strawberry Creek on University of California at Berkeley Campus132362
2st014m2Biological and Physical Assessment of Streams in Northern California: Evaluating the Effects of Global Change and Human Disturbance13418
5dc5g3cjEvaluating a protocol to avoid fish stranding in the Russian River Watershed133235
6681m38qA Tidal Hydrology Assessment for Reconnecting Spring Branch Creek to Suisun Marsh, Solano County CA: Predicting the Impact to the Federally Listed Plant Soft Bird's Beak132263
8m56948zTidal channel and marshplain development : Cooley Landing salt pond restoration133253

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.