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Open Access Publications from the University of California


Biogeographia – The Journal of Integrative Biogeography is the scientific journal of the Italian Biogeography Society (SIB, [in Italian only]). Since 1970, it publishes original research and reviews on any topic in biogeography.


Marine mollusk thanatocoenoses along the coasts of the San Pietro Island (South-Western Sardinia): a first reasoning on species composition and biodiversity

We conducted a study on the taxonomic composition and diversity of thanatocoenoses of marine mollusks sampled at five sites on a circum-Sardinian island (San Pietro Island, South-Western Sardinia). The aim was to measure the differences in terms of biodiversity by analyzing shells >2 mm. We collected 71 taxa (level of diversity γ) at five different sites. Four species represented more than half of the sample: Bittium reticulatum, Glans trapezia, Lucinella divaricata and Truncatella subcylindrica. We observed a high difference in the number of taxa (level of diversity α) between sites (range: 18-41; after normalization using the Margalef index: 9.45-15.84). The turnover of β-diversity between low-energy sites was lower than that among high-wave energy sites; low-energy wave sites located near shallow and extensive Posidonia oceanica beds showed the highest values of diversity metrics. Climatic factors related to wave energy (exposure to prevailing West winds) and the presence of Posidonia oceanica beds could explain the diversity patterns. Although our diversity analysis conducted across mollusk thanatocoenoses may show some methodological weaknesses (the storage and accumulation time of the shells; the uncertainty regarding the taxonomy based exclusively on shells and the relative importance of the living populations in front of the sampling sites), we suggest that this "proxy" approach could allow for a rapid first assessment of the conservation status of coastal and marine ecosystems (i.e. Posidonion oceanicae habitat) when sampling time is short and there are several areas to explore.


On the occurrence of Phallocryptus spinosus (Milne-Edwards, 1840) in Sicily (Crustacea, Branchiopoda)

The distribution, status, and phenology of the anostracan Phallocryptus spinosus in Sicily are described. The only population of the species to date known to occur with certainty on the island inhabits a few temporary water bodies located within the Natura2000 site “ITA010006 - Paludi di Capo Feto e Margi Spanò”. In these sites, the species co-occurs with an interesting halophilous flora and crustacean fauna. Based on available data, the concentration of dissolved salts in the water bodies seem to be the main driver of the life histories of the co-existing populations of the anostracans Artemia salina and Phallocryptus spinosus.


The diversity of Protura (Arthropoda, Hexapoda) in the Mediterranean area

The Mediterranean area is one of the biodiversity hotspots where some soil-borne taxa reach a high peak of diversity. Within this community, Protura is a poorly known taxon of euedaphic microarthropods. Based on the literature, 77 species belonging to 15 genera, arranged into four families and two orders have been recorded in the Mediterranean Basin. Records are concentrated in the northern part of this area (56 species are known in the North West and 28 in the North East), followed by Macaronesia (20 species) South-West (10) and South-East (6). This diversity distribution follows the uneven research effort dealing with this taxon. Much work is still needed, especially in areas that have been completely or largely neglected by researchers to date, before it can be considered that a solid knowledge base has been laid on Protura diversity and distribution.

A new perspective on the distribution of Camachoaglaja africana (Pruvot-Fol, 1953) and Biuve fulvipunctata (Baba, 1938) (Gastropoda, Cephalaspidea) in the Mediterranean and the NE Atlantic

During underwater monitoring, one specimen of Camachoaglaja africana and one of Biuve fulvipunctata were found at the ‘Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo’ Marine Protected Area, allowing to expand the known Mediterranean range of distribution of these two species. The finding of both species constitutes the first report for NE Sardinia and the whole Tyrrhenian Sea. By coupling data obtained from the analysis of social media and those present in the bibliography it was also possible to speculate on alternative pattern of distribution of these two species at a global scale. Finally, it is also confirmed the importance of repeated monitoring activities over time on the mooring buoys which act as steppingstone habitats for epifauna or for larval settlement and that are capable to provide important additional information on local biodiversity.


Data Papers

Class Trilobita (including agnostoids) from Argentine Precordillera

This data paper inventories the records of 1763 trilobites (including agnostoids) from the Middle Cambrian inner and outer platform of the Argentine Precordillera (San Juan and Mendoza provinces). They were collected by Dr. Osvaldo Bordonaro and his colleagues between 1994 and 2013 and studied within the framework of scientific research. The specimens are stored in the Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales (IANIGLA, CCT-CONICET Mendoza, Argentina), an official paleontological repository of Mendoza Province and are part of its Paleoinvertebrates Collection. The study of these trilobites contributed to the taxonomy of the group and allowed the establishment of important paleobiogeographic connections between Cuyania and Laurentia during the Cambrian. From a preliminary Microsoft Excel format, the dataset is now included in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF,, under the publisher CCT-CONICET Mendoza (Argentina), making it available to the public.

Special Section: The new Checklist of the Italian Fauna

The new Checklist of the Italian Fauna: Odonata

Seventeen years after the publication of the last checklist of the damselflies and dragonflies found in Italy, an updated list has been compiled. This list reports 95 species belonging to 10 families and 38 genera and includes 2 national endemic and 1 sub-endemic species. Compared to the previous checklist, three species were removed, two subspecies were granted species status, and 10 species were added as new taxa for Italy. The checklist summarizes the current state of the knowledge on the geographical distribution of the Italian species with a regional detail. After the online publication of this dataset on the LifeWatch Italy website in 2021, some minor updates will be included in future releases. The newly discovered species are the result of increased exploration of the national territory combined with some possible range shifts, especially of Libellulidae species of Afro-Asiatic origin. This increased coverage of the country is the result of the efforts of many contributors. It stems from the rapidly growing interest in this zoological group, also enhanced by the activation of a nationwide citizen science project promoted by the Italian Society for the Study and Conservation of Dragonflies (


  • 1 supplemental PDF
  • 1 supplemental ZIP