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Open Access Publications from the University of California


Launched in January 2014, the UC-Mexico Initiative was created to foster sustained, strategic and equal partnership between the UC and institutions in Mexico to address areas of mutual interests and educate our next generation of leaders. It provides an opportunity to think broadly and to develop strategies for a robust and enduring relationship that encompasses student and faculty exchanges, celebration of our shared heritage and populations, and research and scholarly activity that solves problems and advances knowledge on issues of mutual importance. The Initiative focuses on key program areas of interest to both the US and Mexico, including the areas of arts and culture, education, energy, environment, and health.

UC-Mexico Initiative

There are 14 publications in this collection, published between 2016 and 2020.
Working Papers (13)
10 more worksshow all
Topic Areas (1)

Summary Report: Binational Symposium on the Education of Indigenous Mexican Students in Mexico and California.

As part of the University of California’s Mexico Initiative, the Education Working Group designed awork plan that identified key collaborative efforts that would lead to “a more seamless system of California-Mexico educational collaboration so that the many students we share now and in the future can realizetheir aspirations on both sides of our border.”1 Working group members Adela de la Torre (UC Davis), AnaCelia Zentella (UC San Diego) and Amy Kyratzis (UC Santa Barbara) served as the planning committee, incollaboration with Mexico Lead, Lourdes de Leon (CIESAS), for the implementation of a binationalsymposium that would “allow researchers, policymakers and teaching personnel to share and update research agendas, programs and effective practices with a final outcome of published selected working papers and a funded pilot project.”

The inaugural Binational Symposium on the Education of Indigenous Mexican Students in Mexico andCalifornia was held in Oaxaca, Mexico on April 22 and 23, 2016. Eighty-two students, communitymembers, researchers, professors, and administrators participated in this convening. The Symposiumaimed to cultivate binational educational partnerships to effectively support and serve Mexican indigenousstudents by offering a platform to critically examine issues, share solutions, and identify collaborativeinterventions.

  • 1 supplemental PDF