Anthropology Faculty Publications

Parent: Department of Anthropology

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for June through September, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
8m2406fjSocial Status, Wealth and Individual Differences among the Yoruba2232061792.4%
88z675jqThe Principle of Seniority in the Social Structure of the Yoruba2173817917.5%
2xq430hcThe Primacy of the Ethical: Propositions for a Militant Anthropology2116814332.2%
0fm776vfThe Global Traffic in Human Organs1941019352.1%
60h425cxThe Anatomy of Envy: A Study in Symbolic Behavior1947911540.7%
52d8w10gDecorative Symbolism of the Arapaho16551603.0%
0fc7p2wmOn the Study of National Character1581411789.2%
0zq6h5vrIntroduction Worlding Cities, or the Art of Being Global1541272782.5%
7gf9j23zModernity: Anthropological Aspects1483311522.3%
9s51z8wgAmerican Culture History1301191191.5%
2pz1m3wtPolyandry in Kota Society123398431.7%
0zj0w51kCulture Change among the Nilgiri Tribes117843371.8%
0qn3s0z7Stimulus Diffusion116952181.9%
5sn1795gCultural Citizenship as Subject-Making115506543.5%
2zp873p1Interpreting ancient food practices: stable isotope and molecular analyses of visible and absorbed residues from a year-long cooking experiment110218919.1%
0q8331ttHistory and Science in Anthropology108396936.1%
8jc2g51vA mixed-methods, population-based study of a syndemic in Soweto, South Africa105238221.9%
4959436mResearch in Population and Culture: An Evolutionary Perspective102287427.5%
85v7q5qrControlling Processes - Tracing the Dynamic Components of Power102356734.3%
5pp1465xWhite's View of Culture98881089.8%
9nt6f73nHomes for Hunters? Exploring the Concept of Home at Hunter-Gatherer Sites in Upper Paleolithic Europe and Epipaleolithic Southwest Asia96356136.5%
1q4300jkThe Ethnography of Law: A Bibliographic Survey92692375.0%
163648nrSocial vulnerability, parity and food insecurity in urban South African young women: the healthy life trajectories initiative (HeLTI) study88157317.0%
6zd7q4xjDialect Differences and Social Stratification in a North Indian Village82532964.6%
0q29504gThe Identification of prehistoric hunter-gatherer aggregation sites: The case of Altamira78304838.5%
7b93z6gcArchaeological Horizons in Central California73532072.6%
0hs1w9jsPrelude to the Anthropocene: Two new North American Land Mammal Ages (NALMAs)72165622.2%
69v51802Achievement, Culture and Personality: The Case of the Japanese Americans72343847.2%
4sc0b61mThe Problem of the Present in Anthropology and Urban Planning AFTERWORD69422760.9%
2ft4x5wjMeat outside the freezer: Drying, smoking, salting and sealing meat in fat at an Epipalaeolithic megasite in eastern Jordan68194927.9%
9705n8zdA degenerative process underlying hierarchic transitions in evolution68402858.8%
7xn3f1v2Privileged Exclusion in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan: Ethnic Return Migration, Citizenship, and the Politics of (Not) Belonging6395414.3%
2nh0k2pxSteps to a semiotic cognitive neuroscience62491379.0%
2sf7x6g3Hyperbuilding: Spectacle, Speculation, and the Hyperspace of Sovereignty58362262.1%
9gb1s7k8Cyberpolitcs and Diaspora Politics among Transnational Chinese57154226.3%
1fw6n2dhHistory, Phylogeny, and Evolution in Polynesia56411573.2%
27k3b2x9Hyperbuilding: Spectacle, Speculation, and the Hyperspace of Sovereignty56282850.0%
2vk1833mReminiscences of Anthropological Currents in America Half a Century Ago56431376.8%
11q9m003Coping strategies employed by public psychiatric healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in southern Gauteng, South Africa.55322358.2%
9t13v9kzEthnography, Cultural and Social Anthropology55431278.2%
6n64540cParental incarceration and child physical health outcomes from infancy to adulthood: A critical review and multilevel model of potential pathways53302356.6%
2xh4p80cThe Geographical, Linguistic, and Cultural Position of the Popoluca of Veracruz51312060.8%
6kp4b179Psychological legacies of intergenerational trauma under South African apartheid: Prenatal stress predicts greater vulnerability to the psychological impacts of future stress exposure during late adolescence and early adulthood in Soweto, South Africa51282354.9%
01b026vqValue Attitudes Toward Role Behavior of Women in Two Japanese Villages50331766.0%
0zs7k5s6Dynamics of change in multiethnic societies: An archaeological perspective from colonial North America50361472.0%
6nm7k7vhRethinking Linguistic Relativity50351570.0%
7td8t04tOccupying wide open spaces? Late Pleistocene hunter–gatherer activities in the Eastern Levant50282256.0%
8f8527qtThe environmental setting of Epipalaeolithic aggregation site Kharaneh IV49301961.2%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.