Unpublished Papers and Presentations

Parent: Archaeological Research Facility

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
30c414w4Tobler's walking model using Optimal Path as Line or Pathdistance in ArcGIS11518303631
6bq3m8d6The Palestinian Rural History Project (PRHP): Mission Statement38471611
6hf4x8h8UC Berkeley Field School in Oakland's Fruitvale District:  Community Archaeology for a New Generation of Professionals2766105
47n4c8nvTeaching Community-Accountable Archaeology: Pedagogy and Practice2654116
79q8q6snEstimating Llama Caravan Travel Speeds: Ethno-archaeological fieldwork with a Peruvian salt caravan248583
68m107pnThe Democratization of Technology207283
1x14f1cfWiP-Wedge 1988 Making the Invisible Visible: Women in Households, Housefulls, and archaeological house remains. Pre-conference submission.194492
3qm8p7dxPutting Vision in its Place: the interweaving of senses to create a sense of place at Çatalhöyük.17449
2vb5451sFoodStore: Food storage in the late Fifth, Fourth and Third millennia BC in the Northern Fertile Crescent167441
3d03828rGPR and Gradiometry in the Hyper-Arid Atacama:Assessing Features Among Fossil Channels, Paleosols, and Lithic Dispersions at Quebrada Mani 35, Chile.166442
0pz0k4x2Pivoting and Jumping through the Fabric of Çatalhöyük to an Imagined World of People, with Faces, Histories, Voices and Stories to Tell11425
1qd926t5Who's the Real Socialist Here? The socio-politics of archaeology in Europe11344
1vr171rcVisual Images of Archaeological architecture: gender in space11362
4fm7r99dThe Development of the Household as the Primary Unit of Production in Neolithic and Eneolithic Southeast Europe11218
92d0m4hvFuente de Obsidiana “Chivay” y su posición en los Andes Sur Centrales9531
99w7g5gzEuropean Theoretical/Social Archaeology: studies in ambiguity945
5gb362ckArchaeologists as Early Adopters and Critical Remediators at UC Berkeley’s MACTiA.725
4vz0t8fpConstructing the Prehistories of a Place in Europe: Visual imagery for a feminist archaeology6141

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.