Presidential and Scientific Papers—Richard Atkinson

Parent: UC Presidential Papers

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
5kd4s4j3Human Memory: A Proposed System and Its Control Processes5494549582.7%
2qq391s9Human Memory: A Proposed System and Its Control Processes5304795190.4%
3bf6w6g4Teaching a Large Russian Teaching a Large Russian Language Vocabulary by the Mnemonic Keyword Method2502331793.2%
7c16z89bStorage and Retrieval Processes in Long-Term Memory1291052481.4%
8jk70614The Pursuit of Knowledge: Speeches and Papers of Richard C. Atkinson104119310.6%
60s1s1g6Entrepreneurial President: Richard Atkinson and the University of California, 1995-200397336434.0%
571313hvHuman Memory: A proposed system and its control processes93345936.6%
5zn4r2ptMultiple Reinforcement Effects in Short-Term Memory76611580.3%
40c2n6vmStandardized Tests and Access to American Universities70561480.0%
4zm4j12xMnemotechnics in Second-Language Learning65234235.4%
6182126zStandardized Tests and Access to American Universities64273742.2%
3jd5s1hrThe Control Processes of Short-term Memory63144922.2%
1v07838zHuman Memory and the Concept of Reinforcement62501280.6%
6h83s857Entrepreneurial President: Richard Atkinson and the University of California, 1995-200361303149.2%
7mr7n7cjStimulus Sampling Theory61461575.4%
85v448h2Models for Optimizing the Learning Process61481378.7%
40x8f9s7Search and Decision Processes in Recognition Memory60451575.0%
04p8n8x8Optimizing the Learning of a Second Language Vocabulary59293049.2%
746737hrA mnemonic method for the acquisition of a second-language vocabulary59253442.4%
9v48v1sqCollege Admissions and the SAT: A Personal Perspective52331963.5%
18r017zrSearch Processes for Associative Structures in Long-Term Memory51341766.7%
3kv4r2krNO. 107 Some Two-Process Models for Memory51292256.9%
48m910d5Some Two-process Models for Memory51351668.6%
47j5c59fAn Application of the Mnemonic Keyword Method to the Acquisition of a Russian Vocabulary50321864.0%
780012dgNO. 110 Humany Memory: A Proposed System and its Control Processes50302060.0%
1dd4s5bk20/20: Reflections on the Last 20 Years of the 20th Century49222744.9%
1vb63016Mathematical Models for Memory and Learning49202940.8%
2hw1w212Search Processes in Recognition Memory49311863.3%
96h1444gTwo case studies of very long-term retention49301961.2%
15k83550The computer as a tutorial laboratory The Stanford BIP project48282058.3%
6sk483g9Ingredients for a Theory of Instruction48291960.4%
0780p800Mathematical Models for Memory and Learning47262155.3%
3rr4379bApplications of Multiprocess Models for Memory to Continuous Recognition Tasks47341372.3%
00c8h2tnHuman memory and the concept of reinforcement46242252.2%
0441915hCost and Performance of Computer-Assisted Instruction for 20Compensatory Education46301665.2%
0hp0k62cComputer Assisted Instruction in Initial Reading: The Stanford Project46271958.7%
6kw1m4r4Some Quantitative Studies of Russian Consonant Phoneme Discrimination46113523.9%
6v57851fThe Nature of Storage Deficits and State-Dependent Retrieval under Marihuana46321469.6%
79x990vvComputer-based Instruction in Initial Reading - A Progress Report on the Stanford Project46331371.7%
2pj7b5h8A Rationale and description of the BASIC instructional program45331273.3%
8868v49sComputerized instruction and the learning process45291664.4%
25m708jqThe Control of Short-Term Memory44271761.4%
53p7z60tMathematical Learning Theory44311370.5%
5cf8f84p50 years of research sparked by Atkinson and Shiffrin44232152.3%
9t95w4f2Some Speculations on Storage and Retrieval Processes in Long-Term Memory44281663.6%
4x316746NO. 137 Search and Retrieval Processes in Long Term Memory43241955.8%
79q481mfStudent Performance in Computer-assisted Instruction in Programming43291467.4%
97n922gkAn application of the mnemonic keyword method to the acquisition of a Russian vocabulary43311272.1%
1d12n437Recognition vs. Recall: Storage or Retrieval Differences?42222052.4%
5zq622mxComputer Assisted Instruction42271564.3%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.