Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

Parent: Scientific Papers—Richard Atkinson

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
04p8n8x8Optimizing the Learning of a Second Language Vocabulary59293049.2%
47j5c59fAn Application of the Mnemonic Keyword Method to the Acquisition of a Russian Vocabulary50321864.0%
6sk483g9Ingredients for a Theory of Instruction48291960.4%
0hp0k62cComputer Assisted Instruction in Initial Reading: The Stanford Project46271958.7%
5zq622mxComputer Assisted Instruction42271564.3%
4196t08bApplication of Learning Models and Optimization Theory to Problems of Instruction40251562.5%
7m43b9svInitial Instruction in Reading under Computer Control - The Stanford Project37211656.8%
24c5k6kwAdaptive Instructional Systems: Some Attempts to Optimize the Learning Process36211558.3%
2437f91wTeaching Children to Read Using a Computer34191555.9%
0w10q79dAn Optimal Strategy for the Presentation of Paired-Associate Items33141942.4%
9kt778t3Models for Optimizing the Learning Process33191457.6%
3133k0f9A Rationale and Description of a CAI Program to Teach the BASIC Programming Language32151746.9%
4r54h6j0Instruction in Initial Reading under Computer Control - the Stanford Project32102231.3%
61b309vrOptimal Allocation of Instructional Effort to Interrelated Learning Strands31151648.4%
5n50q003Mnemotechnics in Second-Language Learning2442016.7%
6087h7zzVannevar Sets the Stage2461825.0%
6nz319xnComputer Assisted Instruction: Optimizing the Learning Process2151623.8%
5hn6v6xgComputerized Instruction and the Learning Process1521313.3%
7v73d6qsAn Approach to the Psychology of Instruction141137.1%
9v05k64zComputer Assisted Learning in Action141137.1%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.