Center for Effective Global Action

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: History by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-062024-052024-042024-03
7jb0015qThe Impact of Electricity on Economic Development: A Macroeconomic Perspective3,3235368428961,049
6ph9s61qComment on Macartan Humphreys’ and Other Recent Discussions of the Miguel and Kremer (2004) Study1,567386391492298
19b6h81gThe Fine Line between Nudging and Nagging: Increasing Take-up Rates through Social Media Platforms1,28680391469346
17m9g4wmArtisanal Mining, Livelihoods, and Child Labor in the Cobalt Supply Chain of the Democratic Republic of Congo1,183117253385428
6m25r19cMarket inefficiencies and the adoption of agricultural technologies in developing countries579100146166167
82g1t8zhMore than particulates matter: Multiple pollutants and productivity in Indian call centers39333592524
79w3t4dsExperimental Insights on the Constraints to Agricultural Technology Adoption22337706056
9hz5b8g9Incentives for Effort or Outputs? A Field Experiment to Improve Student Performance21747645155
33j1k1k4Pathways to Choice: A Bundled Intervention against Child Marriage20337555160
0hx0207rOpen Science Practices are on the Rise: The State of Social Science (3S) Survey19443474856
96s8s43zElectricity Reliability and Economic Development in Cities: A Microeconomic Perspective19429565950
6tp4q9zvManipulation-Proof Machine Learning18632432784
3d31p39hThe Impact of Digital Credit in Developing Economies: A Review of Recent Evidence18537415849
0tv0687cImproving livelihoods outcomes for forcibly displaced populations: a Rapid Review17927334574
9666220jAgricultural Technology Adoption: A Panel Analysis of Smallholder Farmers’ Fertilizer use in Kenya16932465239
9v98h6ztThe spread of (mis)information: A social media experiment in Pakistan15329404242
3n38q1qzDoes Revolution Work? Evidence from Nepal’s People’s War14925403351
5fh247mnIntegrating Biometric Authentication in India’s Welfare Programs: Lessons from a Decade of Reforms14947423030
23k9t4q6Private Input Suppliers as Information Agents for Technology Adoption in Agriculture14147293728
3m51m11sA Review of Behavioral Economics in Reproductive Health14135353635
97g2r7mkContract Farming, Smallholders and Commercialization of Agriculture in Uganda: The Case of Sorghum, Sunflower, and Rice Contract Farming Schemes.14030362450
1gz2t9vmThe Electoral Consequences of Mass Religious Events: India’s Kumbh Mela13819524225
8335r6n6Incentives and Endorsement for Technology Adoption: Evidence from Mobile Banking in Ghana138163983
5pb179c9The Economics of the Public Option: Evidence from Local Pharmaceutical Markets13642162751
4ck087v3Testing Attrition Bias in Field Experiments13432283539
88r1j7szDigital Credit: A Snapshot of the Current Landscape andOpen Research Questions12515314435
4mz3b26fTransaction Costs and Smallholder Farmers’ Participation in Banana Markets in the Great Lakes Region11932174129
0t68m7n7Poverty and Prejudice Before Genocide10821263823
5ht9v8vnUsing RCTs to Estimate Long-Run Impacts in Development Economics10812153447
3q15n1rqAt the Intersection: A Review of Institutions in Economic Development10414242937
2m2100qqExpected Discrimination and Job Search10019182043
11k4210hA Review and Exploration of the Status, Context and Political Economy of Power Sector Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Latin America9618182337
9n83j0gbReducing Misinformation in a Polarized Context: Experimental Evidence from Côte d’Ivoire9623213022
30z1q8nwPerformance Evaluation, Influence Activities, and Bureaucratic Work Behavior: Evidence from China9316252527
6hx516wsUsing Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning to Evaluate the Impactof Anti-Poverty Programs9317272722
1nt5p5wfDonor Contracting Conditions and Public Procurement: Causal Evidence from Kenyan Electrification9121261628
6fp1r637Search Cost, Intermediation, and Trade: Experimental Evidence from Ugandan Agricultural Markets9118242722
03v0d863Give Me Your Tired and Your Poor: Impact of a Large-Scale Amnesty Program for Undocumented Refugees8615213713
1kb7k6p8Inequality, Agricultural Production and Poverty: With Focus on Large-scale / Small-scale Sugarcane Farms in South Africa.8525162123
6bd7t9ngElectrification and Economic Development: A Microeconomic Perspective8412282321
7k99c8vjMaking Entrepreneurs: Returns to Training Youth in Hard Versus Soft Business Skills8212191833
2rd3f9jvWhen the Money Runs out: Do Cash Transfers Have Sustained Effects on Human Capital Accumulation?7910312216
69p5494gWhat Do We Know About Economic Diversification in Oil-Producing Countries?792026258
9nw1w6ndBig Data Privacy in Emerging Market Fintech and Financial Services: A Research Agenda766172033
8db127cmWorms: Identifying Impacts on Education and Health in the Presence of Treatment Externalities, Guide to Replication of Miguel and Kremer (2004)7420172215
6425928zTorture as a method of criminal prosecution: Police Brutality, the Militarization of Security and the Reform of Inquisitorial Criminal Justice in Mexico687162322
66d77459Implementer Desirability Bias in Program Evaluation6815111428
6xg375spHope and Poverty in Development Economics: Emerging Insights and Frontiers6710151824
6b02500bPromotions and Productivity: The Role of Meritocracy and Pay Progression in the Public Sector6623151216
0155j4f0Do Commodity Price Shocks Cause Armed Conflict? A Meta-Analysis of Natural Experiments659201917

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.