Planning & Evaluation

Parent: California Institute for Energy and Environment (CIEE)

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
35k1861zBiomethane from Dairy Waste, a Sourcebook for the Production and Use of Renewable Natural Gas125339226.4%
76w3m09cDevelopment of Fault Current Controller Technology109337630.3%
2zd3m0krCool Colored Cars to Reduce Air-Conditioning Energy Use and reduce CO2 Emission75413454.7%
7w92d9v7Building Energy Efficient Communities: A Research Agenda for California72442861.1%
7jx9s0zdLife‐Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Electricity Generation and Storage Technologies and Common Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Agricultural Building Technologies70264437.1%
7kt682n7Residential HVAC and Distribution Research Implementation645597.8%
8vw23703Market Structure and Energy Efficiency:The Case of New Commercial Buildings63214233.3%
8mm3n4xbAdvancing California's microgrid communities through anticipatory energy resilience61144723.0%
03q4b81sPotential Gains in Appliance Efficiency and Recommendations for a Center for Consumer and Office Electronics and Appliance Efficiency60421870.0%
3vp1c1p8Assessment Of Household Carbon Footprint Reduction Potentials58352360.3%
43h16557Effects Of Global Climate Changes On Building Energy Consumption And Its Implications On Building Energy Codes And Policy In California57213636.8%
46f4w12kKey Challenges for California's Energy Future57381966.7%
601164zwAn Assessment Of Battery And Hydrogen Energy Storage Systems Integrated With Wind Energy Resources In California57114619.3%
3jb1n7fkEvaluation Of Titanium Dioxide As An Air Pollutant Removing Photocatalyst56134323.2%
63f567fsCost-Benefit Analysis of Additional Energy Storage Procurement52262650.0%
4c95r182Developing and Applying Process-based Models for Estimating GHG and Air Emissions from California Dairies51351668.6%
77t8f09nThe Future of California Consumer Energy Finance51252649.0%
60m7j3k1Analysis of The Combined Vehicle-and Post‐Vehicle-Use Value of Lithium‐Ion Plug-In-Vehicle Propulsion Batteries49262353.1%
2qp950c8The Effects of Variable Frequency Driven Evaporator Motors in Refrigerated Warehousing Blast Freezer Applications46271958.7%
8b58b02cAccelerated Preparation of Learn HVAC, a Cyber-Based Education Tool for Rapid Widespread Dissemination within 2-year and 4-year Educational Institutions and the Building Industry46311567.4%
7wf3h9pbCharacterization of Pollutant Concentrations and Ventilation Rates in New California Residences45321371.1%
2c25w384Enabling Investments in Energy Efficiency: A study of energy efficiency programs that reduce first-cost barriers in the residential sector44182640.9%
4fx8983fCurrent State of the Art in Solar Forecasting44172738.6%
9r16m09qElectric-Fuel Scale-Up in California: Policy and Regulatory Support44242054.5%
6g05r57kExpanding PIER Partnerships: New Concepts for Development and Demonstration43331076.7%
7051d1mhAnalysis of Aerosol Time of Flight Gas Spectrometer (ATOFMS) Datasets from the 2009 CalWater Campaign43251858.1%
7wx9j0qjEvaluating Past And Improving Present And Future Measurements Of Black Carbon Particles In The Atmosphere43301369.8%
6p939613Development Of An Implementation Plan For Atmospheric Carbon Monitoring In California41271465.9%
1xb753c9Compliance Responsibility And Allowance Allocation In A Co2 Emissions Cap-And-Trade Program For The Electricity Sector In California40261465.0%
3r669812Advanced Phasor Technology40291172.5%
5cg1v5v8Evolution of the Grid to Embrace New Technologies in the Presence of Diverse Regulatory Schemes39251464.1%
6fr1v1z9Potential bill impacts of dynamic electricity pricing on California utility customers39132633.3%
1nt467c3Evaluating the Performance of Pedestrian-Oriented Developments: Summary of Site Visits and Research Design Options38201852.6%
8r20r9gpTesting methods for predicting mammalian species’ responses to 20th century climate change in California38261268.4%
8q04x17rTrace Metal Mobilization During Combustion Of Biomass Fuels37251267.6%
5vg3m56kDevelopment of guidelines for Modeling Underfloor Air Distribution (UFAD) Systems in EnergyPlus, eQUEST, and EnergyPro36261072.2%
6fm6c2g7A Web-based Portal for Information for Local Governments to Reduce Energy Use and Emissions form Local Transportation Systems36221461.1%
7c38g099Renewable Energy Transmission Initiative36211558.3%
0390p77jAnalysis of California Natural Gas Market, Supply Infrastructure, Regulatory Implications, and Future Market Conditions34221264.7%
07d9c7d0Advanced Integrated Systems Technology Development3425973.5%
2xd0v9vjApplicability of Residential Ventilation Standards in California34201458.8%
30m1f02xDuct Tape Durability Testing34102429.4%
0s720728Thermal Performance of Residential Duct Systems in Basements33221166.7%
248051bvDeliverable Report: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Additional Energy Storage Procurement33141942.4%
2hz482q9Work Authorization to develop a white paper on the potential application of using the steam hydrogasification process to convert biomass materials prevalent in Southern California into synthetic fuels33191457.6%
2sk3q4c7Seawater Source Cooling For Air Conditioning Commercial Buildings33211263.6%
3p09d1gkDuct Tape and Sealant Performance33181554.5%
8jx3n01hThe Challenges in Training Energy Efficiency Program Evaluators33191457.6%
2qj9k13mEcosystem Feedbacks To Climate Change In California: Integrated Climate Forcing From Vegetation Redistribution32191359.4%
1q63m6fxEvaporative Cooling Retrofit Strategies for Retail Buildings31181358.1%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.