Research Reports

Parent: Center for Research on Education, Diversity and Excellence

eScholarship stats: History by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-082024-072024-062024-05
6d75h0fzPedagogy Matters: Standards for Effective Teaching Practice1,100249265302284
7x695885Review of Research on Educational Resilience619157124142196
1470d2c8Educational Reform Implementation: A Co-Constructed Process8022161725
48b1x975Becoming Bilingual in the Amigos Two-Way Immersion Program8023222312
8fh0q7p5Sociocultural Factors in Social Relationships: Examining Latino Teachers' and Paraeducators' Interactions with Latino Students689181328
2q99616hImpact of Two-way Bilingual Elementary Programs on Students’ Attitudes Toward School and College6515171221
0xb777znSociological Foundations Supporting the Study of Cultural diversity6116181413
270333nsThe Effects of Instructional Conversations and Literature Logs on the Story Comprehension and Thematic Understanding of English Proficient and Limited English Proficient Students6117191411
5010t7g4Activity Setting Observation System Rule Book57231987
67c0x9hsCollaborative Practices in Bilingual Cooperative Learning Classrooms48913917
8nc0979rFrom At-Risk to Excellence: Research, Theory, and Principles for Practice471516115
4pz7v5pfApprenticeship for Teaching: Professional Development Issues Surrounding the Collaborative Relationship Between Teachers and Paraeducators44915119
42f3x9h5Scaling up School Restructuring in Multicultural, Multilingual Contexts: Early Observations from Sunland County176353

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.