Recent Work

Parent: Center for Educational Development and Research

eScholarship stats: History by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-082024-072024-062024-05
9dj621msThe Effect of an Enhanced Geriatrics Curriculum on Medical Students’ Knowledge: A Cohort Study27101061
2gk7g47cDo formative assessments promote self assessment accuracy? A study of second year medical students’ predictions about performance258710
0ph8j6ssStarting a new pipeline program for health sciences: do faculty and students value the same objectives?235756
9m06w4mbDiversity in medical education: students' experiences and attitudes22985
1p12x8ggThe role of instructional context in medical students’ self-assessments194114
64d4x50rAnesthesiologists' Nontechnical and Cognitive Skills Evaluation Tool166721
5842z21cThe Effect of an Enhanced Geriatrics Curriculum on Medical Students' Knowledge: A Cohort Study142831
71z975w3Assessing Medical Students Cross-Cultural Skills in an Objective Structured Clinical Examination14473

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.