Capstone Projects

Parent: Department of English

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
2rx3h75bChanging the Unchangeable: The Transformative Power of Queerness in Magical Realism101831882.2%
6rc3v76cConsuming Raw: Cannibalistic Transformation in Julia Ducournau’s <em>Raw</em> (2016)79275234.2%
8057h30gCan the Subaltern Speak?: The Ringing Feminine Silence at the center of Allende’s “And of Clay are we Created”76562073.7%
26m2757sBeyond the Other Hand: Self, Social, and Technology in Agnès Varda’s <em>The Gleaners and I</em>65501576.9%
4gj8d8trSubject and the City: <em>Sex and the City’s</em> Exposure of Feminine Pursuits in ‘Secret Sex’35161945.7%
79w6x5w0In Search of Lost Ecology: Recovering a Rural Past in <em>Housekeeping</em> &amp; <em>The Gleaners and I</em>2982127.6%
2nb1g2c7Gentrification and Enclosure: Two Sides of the Same Coin2471729.2%
45z9q23zFemale Magic as a Source of Power in Rosario Ferré’s “Sleeping Beauty”2442016.7%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.