Open Access Policy Deposits

Parent: Department of English

eScholarship stats: History by Item for June through September, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-092024-082024-072024-06
0513d277“Is Bing Xin a Chinese American Writer?” “冰心是华裔美国作家吗?论冰心《相片》之东方主义及种族主义批判 .”274162553423
20f8k5fdHeroism, Sensibility, and Gender: Mary Wollstonecraft's Feminist Politics in<em> A Vindication of the Rights of Woman</em> and <em>Maria: or, The Wrongs of Woman</em>22465417147
2ks5v4hhImmaterial Archives: An African Diaspora Poetics of Loss19056584135
807839r5(Mis)interpretations and (In)justice: The 1992 Los Angeles ‘Riots’ and ‘Black-Korean Conflict.12840213532
1tm7x1rvScribal Authorship and the Writing of History in Medieval England11926453216
6cg447s0When Spirits Talk: Reading Erna Brodber’s Louisiana for Affect11824363226
69z944xs“Don't Tell”: Imposed Silences in <i>The Color Purple</i> and <i>The Woman Warrior</i>1168403335
70j061wcTranspacific Poetics: Ideographic and Prosodic Transpositions in Li-Young Lee’s “Persimmons” and Marilyn Chin’s “Summer Sleep”11435342718
88w223j9"Chinese American Literature in the New Century 新世纪的美国及海外华裔美国文学." Jiangnan Magazine [江南] 2018 No. 2: 146-159.11030352718
47k1b3bkRoutes and roots10616331839
7568z540(Refugee) Children's Stories: Untold Truths from the San Fernando Valley Refugee Children Center9615213921
15r8j7qxLived multidirectionality: “Historikerstreit 2.0” and the politics of Holocaust memory9123241925
6s48n8h0Thinking “Diaspora” with Stuart Hall7924152614
98t6p25nLife, Labor, and a Coolie Picturesque in Jamaica796263017
0fd2t74d“The Woman Warrior versus The Chinaman Pacific: Must a Chinese American Critic Choose between Feminism and Heroism?” Conflicts in Feminism. Ed. Marianne Hirsch and Evelyn Fox Keller. New York: Routledge, 1990. 234-2517719202117
77n2q7qn“Talk-Story: Counter-Memory in Maxine Hong Kingston's China Men.”7720192513
2mf9q3xxThe Archive and Affective Memory in M. Nourbese Philip's Zong!7519202214
6k31748mThe Subject of Religion: Lacan and the Ten Commandments7414272310
0xd5815cJudicial Torture in Canon Law and Church Tribunals: From Gratian to Galileo7012142915
1pn3w3dbThrice Muted Tale: Interplay of Art and Politics in Hisaye Yamamoto's "The Legend of Miss Sasagawara"7011291416
3g62q3rp“Re-Viewing Asian American Literary Studies.”699242214
8nd2p4xr“Convergences and Divergences in Chinese and Chinese American (Auto)Biographies.” “中美华裔作家自传/他传之异同.”69461274
2x74s415"Introduction: The Transnational Turn, " in the <em> Cambridge Companion to Transnational American Literature </em>6617221413
2cz308c9Shakespeare and Kierkegaard: "Dread" in Macbeth651526186
6gs7n4v0Radiation Ecologies and the Wars of Light60535173
4b87079nThe Other Father in Barack Obama's Dream From My Father581113259
0k70v70mSlanted Allusions571520148
9hw452jcSatellite Planetarity and the Ends of the Earth57230178
2v5217pgFeeling Implicated: An Introduction561261613
296587ffEnlightenment Bubbles, Romantic Worlds551319221
01z6w5zrSomewhat Queer Triangles: Yiyun Li’s “The Princess of Nebraska" and "Gold Boy, Emerald Girl"52914209
3td7k3ctIs Shakespeare "Translatable"? Cinematic Adaptations by Kozintsev, Kurosawa, and Feng Xiaogang”51329145
907252xdReading Boethius in Medieval England: The Consolation of Philosophy from Alfred to Ashby511112226
1dz22644A Canterbury School of Literary Theory:491117138
57w420vmRethinking the Real with Robinson Crusoe and David Hume49128191
8tw8t558“Food For All Her Living.”49327163
2cg5r8z6John Ruskin’s Fors Clavigera: The Hero&nbsp;as Educator48625134
4xn6z2wf“The Dialectic of Despair in Doctor Faustus.”48191613
2hb8w3zzMedieval Manuscripts in the Digital Age47422129
1cm0f4dtPremodern and Postcritical: Medieval Enigmata and the Hermeneutic Style456121512
7472g4w9The Other Father in Barack Obama's Dreams from My Father4424155
7n96r5vfOptics in the Works of Joseph Conrad44217169
4k20s5h7Galileo's Non-Trial (1616), Pre-Trial (1632–1633), and Trial (May 10, 1633): A Review of Procedure, Featuring Routine Violations of the Forum of Conscience43910177
5j55j20qWhat Use Is the Imagination?42617154
2s7973fv“Interracial Dynamics in Asian American and African American Fiction”41518153
7j66188vSlanted Allusions: Transnational Poetics and Politics of Marilyn Chin and Russell Leong4171879
4s48c4dz“Hisaye Yamamoto and Wakako Yamauchi: Interview by King-Kok Cheung.”39414147
8r8870v1“Three Korean American Dreams: Chang-rae Lee’s Native Speaker.”3961878

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.