GAIA Research Series

Parent: Global, Area, and International Archive

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
7hc733q3The Myth of "Ethnic Conflict": Politics, Economics, and "Cultural" Violence88836252640.8%
53p1j36jMulticultural Iberia: Language, Literature, and Music42916226737.8%
8mp05335State-Society Synergy: Government and Social Capital in Development40110130025.2%
8c21m142Ivo Andric Revisited: The Bridge Still Stands33711022732.6%
27p076zkWorkers and Intelligentsia in Late Imperial Russia: Realities, Representations, Reflections3345028415.0%
785560v1Minorities, Mullahs and Modernity: Reshaping Community in the Former Soviet Union230162147.0%
22g1z9nwIdentities in Transition: Eastern Europe and Russia After the Collapse of Communism1993116815.6%
58k2v56gLiberalization and Leninist Legacies: Comparative Perspectives on Democratic Transitions1543911525.3%
36q6n0wcConquering Women: Women and War in the German Cultural Imagination143558838.5%
1wg9h2w2The Tunnel at the End of the Light: Privatization, Business Networks, and Economic Transformation in Russia125408532.0%
13s757cxEnlarging Europe: The Industrial Foundations of a New Political Reality112555749.1%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.