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Parent: Global Studies

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
29z457nfGeopolitics, History, and International Relations987249632.4%
9c21h2pvGlobalization and the sociology of Immanuel Wallerstein: A critical appraisal836577796.8%
34b5s46wGiovanni Arrighi: Systemic Cycles of Accumulation, Hegemonic Transitions, and the Rise of China2883125710.8%
44j854qcSaskia Sassen and the Sociology of Globalization: A Critical Appraisal2646020422.7%
4n92c45qIs Religion the Problem?1955414127.7%
7322q2p5From Bhindranwale to Bin Laden: The Rise of Religious Violence1863015616.1%
28k8z2t4The Transatlantic Divide: Why are American and British IPE So Different?1824214023.1%
9g85730fGlobal Capitalism Theory and the Emergence of Transnational Elites142697348.6%
0rj9f4dmExplaining Consensual Domination: Moving Beyond the Concept of Hegemony117546346.2%
5pc0p3rcThe Geopolitics of Currencies and the Future of the International System110159513.6%
5hk6n754Commodity Chains and Economic Development: One and a Half Proposals for Spatially-Oriented Research106297727.4%
7153p2v0Global capitalism and twenty-first century fascism: a UC case study105149113.3%
9175s301Thinking Globally About Religion105446141.9%
44d402xvGlobal Capitalism Theory and the Emergence of Transnational Elites102802278.4%
13m0m32qBeyond the Theory of Imperialism: Global Capitalism and the Transnational State89513857.3%
5k99k5mqReligious Terror and Global War8697710.5%
8xb2p5rxThe Macrofoundation of Monetary Power7896911.5%
85k9q6vz“THE GREAT RECESSION” OF 2008 AND THE CONTINUING CRISIS: A Global Capitalism Perspective77255232.5%
0w59m6vjThe Crisis of Global Capitalism: Cyclical, Structural, or Systemic?69383155.1%
98h492bqCorporate Interests: How the News Media Portray the Economy646589.4%
2693m5pnFighting Sweatshops: Problems of Enforcing Global Labor Standards57104717.5%
6z33940zAssessing the Impact of the Phasing-out of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing on Apparel Exports on the Least Developed and Developing Countries54144025.9%
97r5n8jxThe International Monetary System: Diffusion and Ambiguity54282651.9%
0dx7r40sTorture and the Future52262650.0%
2t1332vtGoddess across the Taiwan Strait: Matrifocal Ritual Space, Nation-State, and Satellite Television Footprints52114121.2%
4w99n8tkReligious Terror and the Secular State5294317.3%
6tp8s0bvUnderstanding Global Capitalism50143628.0%
69f0h2t9Spatial Struggles: Postcolonial Complex, State Disenchantment, and Popular Reappropriation of Space in Rural Southeast China49222744.9%
8v34n4n8North American Monetary Union: A United States Perspective4964312.2%
2fj6c7nsAqui estamos y no nos vamos! Global capital and immigrant rights48103820.8%
8wg1h3ckThe Pitfalls of Realist Analysis of Global Capitalism: A Critique of Ellen Meiksins Wood’s Empire of Capitalism: A Critique of Ellen Meiksins Wood's "Empire of Capital"4884016.7%
3h33v4v3Monetary Governance in a World of Regional Currencies45123326.7%
6b07h5p5Overeducation in Developing Economies: How can we test for it, and what does it mean?4593620.0%
907386x6TNCs and the Removal of Textiles and Clothing Quotas39221756.4%
4hn092nmCapitalist Globalization as World-Historic Context: A Response3773018.9%
5zn7d6rdAmerica's Interest in Dollarization3773018.9%
040470trConfronting an Empire: An Analysis for the Global Justice Movement of the U.S.-made World Crisis352335.7%
0q40t681The End of Apparel Quotas: A Faster Race to the Bottom?34102429.4%
65z6j002The global capital leviathan3482623.5%
5566691mGlobalization, Class Compromise, and American Exceptionalism: Political Change in 16 Advanced Capitalist Countries3242812.5%
6h4841jnAmerican Torture: The Price Paid, the Lessons Learned31141745.2%
3zh1n6v6The Ethnography of Health Inequality: Global Risk Society and Local Suffering2732411.1%
0w42h334Missing Rice in the Philippines: Measurement and Meaning2642215.4%
9ng4c3xfSubsidized Food Distribution with Endogenous Quality: A Case Study from the Philippines2552020.0%
1z28q6bsThe Global Economy and the Latino Populations in the United States: A World Systems Approach24101441.7%
93w597c9Review Article: Holy Terrors: Thinking about Religion after September 112451920.8%
7md4x054Rising College Premiums in Mexico: How Important Is Trade?2341917.4%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.