Institute of Governmental Studies

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: History by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-062024-052024-042024-03
9qm0g9w3Release #2024-06: Garvey Now in a Statistical Tie with Schiff in Full-Term U.S. Senate Primary8,633941012068,232
9nz678jbTotal Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story961178277358148
3hk4p4j2Release #2024-07: Trump dominating next week’s California GOP presidential primary. Disaffection with both Biden and Trump is drawing support away from each in a multi-candidate general election field.9206783187583
96p3s213Reflections on the Transition from Elite to Mass to Universal Access: Forms and Phases of Higher Education in Modern Societies since WWII53482125157170
7pp2q0gh'Alameda is our Home': African Americans and the Struggle for Housing in Alameda, California, 1860-present45353111135154
021970h5Tabulations from a Late February 2024 Poll of California Likely Voter Preferences in the March 2024 Primary Election for U.S. Senate402121627347
08s0f26bRonald Reagan and The New Conservative Populism3916292121116
46g7q3hkRelease #2024-05: 50% of voters consider the state budget deficit “extremely serious.” Spending cuts and tapping the state’s rainy-day fund most favored by voters as ways to close the deficit.3661233584124
5ks5g9f6Release #2023-18: Majority of voters believe Black Californians continue to be affected by the legacy of slavery, yet cash reparations face headwinds.361977813452
70c6x33kRelease #2023-23: Newsom job performance rating declines among state voters361611985250
1h98j234Release #2022-03:Voters offer some but not overwhelming support for the idea of legalizing sports betting in California36092759796
8gx4v5qtGenetic Matching for Estimating Causal Effects: A General Multivariate Matching Method for Achieving Balance in Observational Studies358636995131
9fv871vjNo Space in Paradise: Hawai‘i’s FY 2024 Budget and the Cost-of-Living Crisis3513863134116
7sn293xsRelease #2022-08: Voters offer a wide range of issues they’d like the state to address330591634959
2gm5854xDoes More Choice Lead to Reduced Racially Polarized Voting? Assessing the Impact of Ranked-Choice Voting in Mayoral Elections323726311969
27x9k5qtRelease #2021-13: Gubernatorial recall election much closer among voters considered most likely to participate than among the overall electorate31687986665
9mq6n7qxHow Can We Increase Turnout among Low Propensity Voters?29964699472
0456d0gtRelease #2022-16: Both sports wagering initiatives trail, while Newsom maintains a comfortable lead in his November re-election bid.29794746960
96j2704tRelease #2019-08: Leaving California: Half of State’s Voters Have Been Considering This; Republicans and Conservatives Three Times as likely as Democrats and Liberals to be Giving Serious Consideration to Leaving the State 2931041303227
36h840hcTabulations from a Late February 2024 Poll of California Voters about 2024 Presidential Politics272172739189
97p973b1Release #2024-04: Californians Split on Immigration: Large Rift Among Democrats270142814385
2r03r3ssRelease #2024-02: Israel - Hamas war269354869117
8tm3s6hzOvervoting and the Equality of Voice under Instant-Runoff Voting in San Francisco26869728047
09c4q90xExamining Racist Nativist Microagressions on DACAmented College Students in the Trump Era25540578078
90f9t71kDeterminants of Political Participation in Urban Politics: A Los Angeles Case Study25295505453
304704f2Democratic Governance24125735588
5k75w7xwAlaska’s New Electoral System: Countering Polarization or “Crooked as Hell”?22122687259
3858b03tThe Political Logic of a Downsian Space21634616754
1zz8f29dPolarized America: The Dance of Ideology and Unequal Riches21144535757
9r45g86cHow the cases you choose affect the answers you get : selection bias in comparative politics21124705859
1m66w3d9Release #2021-08: Voter Support for Recalling Governor Newsom Remains at 36%20275514036
4mq0g05mThe Top Two: Too Soon to Tell19233376359
10x1f4mnPolitics and the English Language in California: Bilingual Education at the Polls18543613645
7bx938fxHousing Production, Filtering and Displacement: Untangling the Relationships17737365054
89g5x6vnVoter Behavior in California’s Top Two Primary17652484036
0bw2p1gpA Decentered Theory of Governance: Rational Choice, Institutionalism, and Interpretation17038503349
76t2f4shHoney, I Shrunk the Surplus: California’s 2023-2024 Budget17056443535
8wq1q53qCalifornia Voters Voice Concerns Over Access to Basic Resources, New UC Possibility Lab and Institute of Governmental Studies Survey Finds16112041
3jd8n0dgRelease #2023-25: Broad-based, bipartisan support for state government action to counter threats posed by deepfakes, disinformation and artificial intelligence in next year’s election.15823614529
7mt1q84gProposition 13 and the Transformation of California Government15513972718
9s54f2mcPolitical Similarity And Influence Between Husbands And Wives15534385033
05b607ngBeyond the Federal-Unitary Dichotomy15431364443
9d19z2f8Overcoming the Challenges to Using Tiered Water Rates to Enhance Water Conservation15250284034
7s02m0r3California and the American Human Development Index14520454139
8j3364ggAlaska Electoral Reform: The Top 4 Primary and Ranked-Choice-Voting14344184338
84f6g2qjTransitory Legality: The Health Implication of Ending DACA13833333735
4rw4m4p0Release #2024-01: Schiff holds narrow lead in Senate primary for full-term seat. Closer race forecast for partial term Senate seat.13713131794
0sn629hmOregon 2023: Entering the Post-COVID World13422353740
41s8q5xgRelease #2024-03: Trump in a strong position to capture all of California’s 169 delegates to the Republican National Convention13428192067

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.