IGS Poll

Parent: Institute of Governmental Studies

eScholarship stats: History by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-082024-072024-062024-05
9qm0g9w3Release #2024-06: Garvey Now in a Statistical Tie with Schiff in Full-Term U.S. Senate Primary68028120494101
5n640961Release #2024-14: Schiff continues to hold big lead over Garvey in U.S. Senate race.625625
4wr927qrRelease #2024-15: Early voter support for Proposition 36 to stiffen criminal penalties, and Proposition 32 to increase the state minimum wage.-- Divided views about Prop. 33, to expand local authority to enact rent control laws --478478
41s8q5xgRelease #2024-03: Trump in a strong position to capture all of California’s 169 delegates to the Republican National Convention4371112792819
4gm6q4stTabulations from an Early August 2024 Poll of California Likely Voters About the November Presidential Election411411
0456d0gtRelease #2022-16: Both sports wagering initiatives trail, while Newsom maintains a comfortable lead in his November re-election bid.3781041069474
1qz049gzRelease #2024-13: Harris’s candidacy has widened the Democrats’ lead over Trump in herhome state; biggest gains seen among voters ages 18-29, independents and the state’s Black voters.368368
96j2704tRelease #2019-08: Leaving California: Half of State’s Voters Have Been Considering This; Republicans and Conservatives Three Times as likely as Democrats and Liberals to be Giving Serious Consideration to Leaving the State 3636465104130
27x9k5qtRelease #2021-13: Gubernatorial recall election much closer among voters considered most likely to participate than among the overall electorate36076998798
70c6x33kRelease #2023-23: Newsom job performance rating declines among state voters341255761198
1h98j234Release #2022-03:Voters offer some but not overwhelming support for the idea of legalizing sports betting in California339721009275
7sn293xsRelease #2022-08: Voters offer a wide range of issues they’d like the state to address321396059163
5ks5g9f6Release #2023-18: Majority of voters believe Black Californians continue to be affected by the legacy of slavery, yet cash reparations face headwinds.30277509778
8rx3d6gjRelease #2024-08: Turnout in the state’s general election likely to be high, but wide racial and age gaps persist between those most likely to vote and those less certain.2877389125
1m66w3d9Release #2021-08: Voter Support for Recalling Governor Newsom Remains at 36%27372757551
3hk4p4j2Release #2024-07: Trump dominating next week’s California GOP presidential primary. Disaffection with both Biden and Trump is drawing support away from each in a multi-candidate general election field.27255676783
46g7q3hkRelease #2024-05: 50% of voters consider the state budget deficit “extremely serious.” Spending cuts and tapping the state’s rainy-day fund most favored by voters as ways to close the deficit.272288612335
3zk9q5pxTabulations from an Early August 2024 Poll of California Likely Voters About Voting Preferences on Several Statewide Ballot Propositions250250
4fx2g63tRelease #2024-09 The media sources Californians turn to for news about election-related issuesvary considerably across the registered voter population-- Support for the government’s potential ban of TikTok in the U.S. --2322378131
8wq1q53qCalifornia Voters Voice Concerns Over Access to Basic Resources, New UC Possibility Lab and Institute of Governmental Studies Survey Finds209143412041
7gd8w045Release #2024-12: Californians show broad-based support for outreach efforts to encourage voting among under-represented populations.167597632
1f64g61dTabulations from an early January 2024 Poll of California Voters about 2024 Presidential Politics1592212656
6rz4s037Tabulations from a July 2021 Survey About Governor Gavin Newsom and California’s Upcoming Recall Election (Volume 2 of 2- Registered voters)15752413628
6ft4h17cRelease #2022-01: Festering problems plaguing the state are weighing down Newsom’s standing with voters, as concerns about Covid recede14946392440
1h8738brTabulations from a January 2020 Survey of Likely Voters in California's Democratic Presidential Primary Election14833434329
12f6x9j4Tabulations for Possibility Lab IGS Poll1437189820
3jd8n0dgRelease #2023-25: Broad-based, bipartisan support for state government action to counter threats posed by deepfakes, disinformation and artificial intelligence in next year’s election.14031252361
0qv6s2r9Release #2019-15: Sanders and Warren Now Share the Lead in California. Preferences Unusually Fluid Three Months Before the State’s Primary Election.13622792411
2pr670k8Release #2020-24: Close Elections Forecast for Proposition 15 (Split Roll Property Taxes) and Proposition 22 (App-based Drivers)13242312732
1nh807v9Tabulations from an early June 2024 Poll of California Registered Voters about Opinions Expanding Voter Access to the State’s Under-Represented Populations131594923
8hm883bfTabulations from a Late-January 2021 Survey of California Registered Voters About Governor Newsom’s Job Performance and a possible recall election12941302929
2r03r3ssRelease #2024-02: Israel - Hamas war12724203548
5gk3z8qcRelease #2023-05: Feinstein and preferences for US Senate12240302626
78p1042gRelease #2023-16: U.S. Senate election to succeed Feinstein remains a wide-open affair. Schiff and Porter leading, but one in three likely voters undecided.11742342516
96k2v40rTabulations from a July 2021 Survey About Governor Gavin Newsom and California’s Upcoming Recall Election (Volume 1 of 2- Likely voters)11741252724
19459581Tabulations from an early June 2024 Poll of California Registered Voters about Election Reforms to Local Governance116572930
1gb1m155Release #2024-10: California voters offer mixed views about how democracy is working in the state113204449
4cd2r446Release #2020-17: Likely Voter Preferences on Four State Ballot Propositions11039252125
3b30n0f5Release #2024-11: Voters favor term limits for local county supervisors, district attorneys, and sheriffs108302553
8341r1k3Tabulations from an early June 2024 Poll of California Registered Voters about Interest in Voting in the 2024 General Election99252846
1bm4319vRelease #2019-11: Voters Divided on Referendum to Overturn California’s New Bail Reform Legislation, with Many Undecided 9831232123
6374m866Release #2022-02: Biden and Harris approval ratings decline in California9814382521
9xj8p8jqRelease #2021-16 Tabulations from an early September 2021 Survey About Governor Gavin Newsom and California’s Upcoming Recall Election9820312918
6kt7w3tsRelease #2021-18 Voter Views about the Recall Election Process and Possible Reforms9316313016
7q04q7wzTabulations from an early June 2024 Poll of California Registered Voters about Information Sources for News about Election-related Issues93193638
0nf5s43cRelease #2023-01: Schiff and Porter hold early lead over Lee (and Khanna) in potential matchups to succeed Feinstein for U.S. Senate9131241521
8cd6947jRelease #2021-10: Feinstein Job Ratings Remain Underwater, while Initial Voter Assessments of Senator Padilla are Generally Positive9111313118
9c28j382Tabulations from an early June 2024 Poll of California Registered Voters about Opinions of How Democracy is Working in the State90223929
1tj8q5rbRelease #2021-01: Voters now much more critical of Governor Newsom’s performance8811332717
2rv4c7zkRelease #2020-01: Sanders leads in California’s presidential primary, as he consolidates his support among liberals and younger voters.8518312313

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.