School of Law

Parent: UC Irvine

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
4xt2f1q4Emotion and False Memory53026626450.2%
8ct1257hSymbolic Sexuality and Economic Work in Dominica, West Indies: The Naturalization of Sex and Women's Work in Development449194304.2%
9m96b29gMemory experts’ beliefs about repressed memory1901325869.5%
5d64m32vEmpirical Intersectionality: A Tale of Two Approaches1851582785.4%
53c7773fMisinformation – past, present, and future1791443580.4%
8qb8v2k4DIRTY DEBTS SOLD DIRT CHEAP1787110739.9%
7w616491“When perhaps the real problem is money itself!”: the practical materiality of Bitcoin1744712727.0%
6vr6m6hbThe Anthropology of Money1693013917.8%
2h1562k3Convicting with confidence? Why we should not over-rely on eyewitness confidence1601491193.1%
21t1w1vcWhat happens after debriefing? The effectiveness and benefits of postexperimental debriefing1571282981.5%
01x452tbDegradation Ceremonies and the Criminalization of Low-Income Women1481713111.5%
48p7n1zrMemory Errors in Alibi Generation: How an Alibi Can Turn Against Us1461281887.7%
532817sxHyperXite 9130537740.8%
8xp416w9False Memories for Fake News During Ireland’s Abortion Referendum130735756.2%
0490x9z4Table of Contents, Volume 5, Number 212541213.2%
4f4670q3The messy landscape of eye movements and false memories124408432.3%
7n03q9z0Introduction: Politics and Gender in Modern Societies1231610713.0%
8x59267fMateriality, Symbol, and Complexity in the Anthropology of Money123527142.3%
5jw41650Between Profit and Principle: The Private Public Interest Firm1221610613.1%
1qx3k0s1A Brief History of Pelican Bay11901190.0%
4cm5r8g0Mobile Money: Communication, Consumption and Change in the Payments Space1171610113.7%
1q8103s0Lay Understanding of Forensic Statistics: Evaluation of Random Match Probabilities, Likelihood Ratios, and Verbal Equivalents113288524.8%
6019z7z2Individual differences in false memory from misinformation: Cognitive factors109347531.2%
6j92z9k3The Trauma Model of Dissociation: Inconvenient Truths and Stubborn Fictions. Comment on Dalenberg et al. (2012)109793072.5%
8562f0v0The Changing Wind of Data Privacy Law: A Comparative Study of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation and the 2018 California Consumer Privacy Act109852478.0%
34d2k097Who is susceptible in three false memory tasks?107941387.9%
8fg9w5h1Science, Technology, Society, and Law105149113.3%
2zf0j5zrForensic Science and Miscarriages of Justice104653962.5%
66x622zdThe Effects of Exposure to Differing Amounts of Misinformation and Source Credibility Perception on Source Monitoring and Memory Accuracy101673466.3%
0515m6v4The Battle to Define Asia's Intellectual Property Law: From TPP to RCEP97247324.7%
2cz551wtGoverning complexity: Integrating science, governance, and law to manage accelerating change in the globalized commons97277027.8%
30s4b9cwIn the Matter of Marxism968888.3%
6mz8w7qdWhat Should Happen After An Officer-Involved Shooting? Memory Concerns in Police Reporting Procedures96801683.3%
05d4128pThe Dynamism of Health Law: Expanded Insurance Coverage as the Engine of Regulatory Reform93217222.6%
79b4q71zThe Japanese Law of Fiduciaries from Comparative and Transnational Perspectives93237024.7%
9k92k30mLetter to the Editor— Context Management Toolbox: A Linear Sequential Unmasking (LSU) Approach for Minimizing Cognitive Bias in Forensic Decision Making90593165.6%
5v75d8kmEmotion and false memory: How goal-irrelevance can be relevant for what people remember.88711780.7%
0s32q793Harnessing cross-border resources to confront climate change87107711.5%
47t729vcThe subtle effects of implicit bias instructions87523559.8%
3db064ttThe Most Restrictive Alternative: A Litigation History of Solitary Confinement in U.S. Prisons, 1960-200686582867.4%
4n09w1dfRap on Trial: A Legal Guide for Attorneys85661977.6%
37f6z9j1Regulatory Fragmentation: An Unexamined Barrier to Species Conservation Under Climate Change84196522.6%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.