California Italian Studies

Parent: Other

eScholarship stats: History by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-022025-012024-122024-11
0z94n9hqIs There a Future for Italian Microhistory in the Age of Global History?1,106171219235481
5x48f0mzHegemony, Democracy, and Passive Revolution in Gramsci's <em>Prison Notebooks</em>723109261188165
9bv3t8m2Gli animali nel primo Pusterla: una lettura eco-zoopoetica di «Il dronte» e «L’anguilla del Reno»547110176123138
8sz659dnSicilian Mafia, Patron Saints, and Religious Processions:The Consistent Face of an Ever-Changing Criminal Organization480111122116131
3zw016sgAre Italians White? The Perspective from the Pacific469119104142104
3jg726c2How Stories Make Us Feel: Toward an Embodied Narratology4211258612684
5b20w7vvT. S. Eliot and the Literature of Fascism385978597106
4xj7n9vvFrom Igiaba Scego, La mia casa è dove sono (Home Is Where I Am), Milan: Rizzoli, 201031264817790
9z63v86nThe Embarrassment of Libya. History, Memory, and Politics in Contemporary Italy298551157949
96k3w5knItalians and the Invention of Race: The Poetics and Politics of Difference in the Struggle over Libya, 1890-191327661767762
48n17530La logica profonda del meraviglioso: Italo Calvino teorico della fiaba (e del fantastico)27468845567
55d0f4j7Italian Postcolonial Literature27191566460
7ff9j31sTransnational Multimedia: Fortunato Depero’s Impressions of New York City (1928-1930)26769856251
1k91d7s3Invisible Sea: Anna Maria Ortese's <em>Il mare non bagna Napoli</em>26569756952
8bk357jdIndro Montanelli: Our Man in the Baltic22222247898
40s8d6sq<em>Culiseo</em>: the Roman Colosseum in Early Modern Jest21066424755
9hm1p6m5The Light and the Line: Florestano Di Fausto and the Politics of <em>'Mediterraneità'</em>20973872326
0q01f357Women Crossing Borders. Elena Ferrante’s Smarginature Across Media20541675740
6jh07474Giovanni Pascoli's 'La grande proletaria si e' mossa': A Translation and Critical Introduction204100323042
72h8k2btViaggio e viaggiatori italiani nel Seicento: relazioni odeporiche per una nuova geografia del vecchio continente20244574952
1n97s00dItalian Renaissance Food-Fashioning or The Triumph of Greens19870474635
2hm1k07b<em>I nostri Saracini</em>: Writing the History of the Arabs of Sicily19657485536
6wv730snItaly and the Eternal City: Rome in History, Memory, and Imagination19340293094
4sc5s550Reading Machiavelli Rhetorically: <em>The Prince</em> as Covert Critique of the Renaissance Prince19040395853
1m95s09q“Guido” Culture: The Destabilization of Italian-American Identity on Jersey Shore18853284958
8qm3b0q3L'ombra del padre. Il caso Calvino18838603159
2v33188rXX Settembre 1870: Rome’s Capture as a Contested Public Memory18625313694
31n0w7p4Un re in ascolto: Luciano Berio and Italo Calvino's Collaboration as a Memory of the Future18455425829
8qb6s9p5Renewal and Accoglienza in Tasso’s Rome18232253293
9cw3f6b4Italo Calvino, Communist18254454637
50x540dz"Divine Women" and the Poetry of Alda Merini17955573037
4p9258jcApocalypse at the Gate: Marching Toward the 1527 Sack of Rome17719244193
8j00c6h3Marches on Rome: Historical Events and Creative Transformations17726303190
2qf1598vIl pensiero meridiano oggi: Intervista e dialoghi con Franco Cassano17642463454
5xb0w73sItalians Do It Differently: Giorgio Scerbanenco’s Appropriation of the American Hard-Boiled Novel17547534827
58z823kzSpaniards and Sbirri: Violence and Diplomacy in the Streets of Early Modern Rome16925352782
7zn5q2kqThe Racism of Romanità: Mobilizing the Idea of Rome for the Fascists’ Anti-Semitic Campaign166212223100
1x4293t9Marvelous Rome: Sorrentino’s "La grande bellezza" and the Rhetoric of Ovid and Vasari on Art, Spectacle, and the Sublime16522165275
1zv8s58xThe Italian Renaissance in the Mediterranean, or, Between East and West. A Review Article16341323555
8vt6r0vfSpotless Italy: Hygiene, Domesticity, and the Ubiquity of Whiteness in Fascist and Postwar Consumer Culture16341404042
0r78b127I Sonetti a Orfeo di R. M. Rilke nelle traduzioni italiane dell’ultimo dopoguerra: “servizio” o disservizio?16243534026
1md337mpThe Nymph in the Doorway: Revisiting a Central Motif of Aby Warburg’s Study of Culture15649363239
1z30h6z5Prima del Sessantotto. Per una genealogia della sinistra rivoluzionaria italiana degli anni Settanta15627494535
67b8j74sFlying Saucers Would Never Land in Lucca: The Fiction of Italian Science Fiction15439394234
4g86j2q5The Vattimo Dictionary: Some Reflections15119221793
76c6r6jxThe Politics of Pasta: La cucina futurista and the Italian Cookbook in History15050402436
69m9m019Giuditta Tavani Arquati and Anti-Catholic Motherhood in the Fight for Rome, 1867–9514816302280
657745swBasile de Luna e le origini della Carboneria nel Regno di Napoli14538282653
7f86023v‘100% Italian’: The Coming of Sound Cinema in Italy and State Regulation on Dubbing14532314735
82c9b735Visualizing the Intersection in Kym Ragusa’s The Skin Between Us14537273348

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.