
Parent: Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
7n29n303Life-cycle Environmental Inventory of Passenger Transportation in the United States32111320835.2%
9b51w7h6Compliance, Congestion, and Social Equity: Tackling Critical Evacuation Challenges through the Sharing Economy, Joint Choice Modeling, and Regret Minimization126765060.3%
6wh1v7cjElectric Two-Wheelers in China: Analysis ofEnvironmental, Safety, and Mobility Impacts6385512.7%
4z3826fgWelfare Analysis of Informal Transit Services in Brazil and the Effects of Regulation52223042.3%
2vk8w6ncDynamic Stochastic Optimization Models for Air Traffic Flow Management50143628.0%
3js9x18dIncreasing Freeway Merge Capacity Through On-Ramp Metering4473715.9%
9c3330ttThe Ethical Challenges and Professional Responses of Travel Demand Forecasters4183319.5%
55z3t7fhDeep Discount Group Pass Programs as Instruments for Increasing Transit Revenue and Ridership3692725.0%
84n3350nUnderstanding and Mitigating Capacity Reduction at Freeway Bottlenecks36102627.8%
4911j5ztAn Analysis of Port Selection3592625.7%
5d69n86xVehicle Reidentification and Travel Time Measurement Using Loop Detector Speed Traps33171651.5%
5wg9j6z7Increasing mobility in cities by controlling overcrowding3392427.3%
2g6850jcOptimal Infrastructure System Maintenance and Repair Policies with Random Deterioration Model Parameters323299.4%
6wk3t20sSpatial Models of Morning Commute Consistent with Realistic Traffic Behavior27101737.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.