Recent Work

Parent: Road Ecology Center

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
8jc6n66wTargets and measures for consideration of natural and cultural heritage assets in the transport system4664501696.6%
2cc2s81wOverview of animal detection and animal warning systems in North America and Europe3147324123.2%
8gj3x1dcAn overview of methods and approaches for evaluating the effectiveness of wildlife crossing structures: emphasizing the science in applied science2124516721.2%
9693w540Habitat fragmentation due to infrastructure1852316212.4%
2f1080nmEffectiveness of Earthen Return Ramps in Reducing Big Game Highway Mortality in Utah123962778.0%
0cr570jtState of Washington Joint Aquatic Resource Permit Application (JARPA)11951144.2%
66j8095xOvercoming the Barrier Effect of Roads-How Effective Are Mitigation Strategies?118427635.6%
0jq176tgWildlife crossings in North America: the state of the science and practice113268723.0%
28n858z1Assessing the impact of pile driving upon fish108139512.0%
8xb0z15wGood and bad places for roads: effects of varying road and natural pattern on habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation104386636.5%
8br4h1kbEffectiveness of rope bridge arboreal overpasses and faunal underpasses in providing connectivity for rainforest fauna103218220.4%
7j7546qvAmphibian road kills: a global perspective102406239.2%
6bz1v7pfFifty years of bird song research: a case study in animal behaviour99158415.2%
3g69z4mnLong-term, year-round monitoring of wildlife crossing structures and the importance of temporal and spatial variability in performance studies95326333.7%
4wd0j27jWildlife tunnels and fauna bridges in Poland: past, present and future, 1997-201391108111.0%
0mf9859vThe effect of road kills on amphibian populations89365340.4%
3t43g4rjWildlife-vehicle collision hotspots at US highway extents: scale and data source effects88385043.2%
4q576877How far into a forest does the effect of a road extend? Defining road edge effect in eucalypt forests of South-Eastern Australia83186521.7%
244019qmThe aftermath of Hurricane Ivan: reconstructing roadways while recovering species764725.3%
2p7927vtWildlife/roadkill observation and reporting systems74393552.7%
579911npA Review of the Influences of Road Crossing on Warmwater Fishes in Ouachita Mountain Streams, Ouachita National Forest7396412.3%
2c78x1f0Effects of highways on elk (Cervus elaphus) habitat in the Western United States and proposed mitigation approaches72294340.3%
3ts9d194Impacts of highway construction and traffic on a wetland bird community71116015.5%
3t24s427Effectiveness of wildlife crossing structures and adapted culverts in a highway in Northwest Spain69254436.2%
7d0153rgThe influence of predator-prey relationships on wildlife passage evaluation67105714.9%
6vr0n5bqUnder the Boardwalk – Case History – St. John’s Sideroad at the McKenzie Wetland, Aurora, Ontario, Canada65174826.2%
2rm731wwFactors influencing the road mortality of snakes on the Upper Snake River Plain, Idaho64204431.3%
8d73q0mjEcological Effects of Roads Infrastructure on Herpetofauna: Understanding Biology and Increasing Communication64273742.2%
5j1907n1Design and construction of aquatic organism passage at road-stream crossings: site assessment and geomorphic considerations in stream simulation culvert design63333052.4%
1hv8x2bfRole of Fencing in Promoting Wildlife Underpass Use and Highway Permeability59124720.3%
5r37r5bmCharacteristics of elk-vehicle collisions and comparison to GPS-determined highway crossing patterns59243540.7%
6cj9g88fIntegrating Habitat Fragmentation Analysis into Transportation Planning Using the Effective Mesh Size Landscape Metric59114818.6%
7c7135nqConflicts between linear developments and Asian elephants in sub - Himalayan zone of Uttranchal58164227.6%
0qd5t2p9Effects of roads on San Joaquin kit foxes: a review and synthesis of existing data573545.3%
9ms8f1k6Effects of Roadway Traffic on Wild Ungulates: A Review of the Literature and Case Study of Elk in Arizona57223538.6%
8g73q820Design and construction of aquatic organism passage at road-stream crossings: ecological considerations in the design of river and stream crossings56114519.6%
22t1h3q1Effect of road traffic on amphibian density55361965.5%
6087h4stRailroad crossing structures for spotted turtles: Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority– Greenbush rail line wildlife crossing demonstration project55292652.7%
0183k7pgMajor Objectives for Road Ecology to Benefit Transportation and Society545499.3%
16p368zzEffect of road traffic on two amphibian species of differing vagility54421277.8%
6669x4gxScaling roads and wildlife: the Cinderella principle54272750.0%
9j69w675Dissimilarities in behavioral responses of snakes to roads and vehicles have implications for differential impacts across species54134124.1%
0tm3n517Road-Crossing Structures for Amphibians and Reptiles: Informing Design through Behavioral Analysis53134024.5%
3v67w722An Analysis of the Efficacy and Comparative Costs of Using Flow Devices to Resolve Conflicts with North American Beavers Along Roadways in the Coastal Plain of Virginia53272650.9%
4fx6c79tTraffic Volume as a Primary Road Characteristic Impacting Wildlife: A Tool for Land Use and Transportation Planning53143926.4%
6mc7x9mxOcelot management and conservation along transportation corridors in Southern Texas52143826.9%
78z219ddCanasawacta Creek Project: Chenango County, New York52302257.7%
0xr0p0ffPotential Impacts of Climate Change on Urban Flooding: Implications for Transportation Infrastructure and Travel Disruption5094118.0%
3qm680qbLarge animal-vehicle collisions in the Central Canadian Rocky Mountains: patterns and characteristics50183236.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.