ISUS-X, Tenth Conference of the International Society for Utilitarian Studies

Parent: Kadish Center for Morality, Law and Public Affairs

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
1dx0q392"The Principles of Asceticism and Sympathy and Antipathy in Patterns of Abuse"859168431.9%
7pp5z07p“Two Utilitarian Approaches to Human Rights”718586608.1%
728530mb"Mill’s Conception of Human Rights"2972841395.6%
2jw5z4f1"Amartya Sen's Misleading Conception of Utilitarianism"26332601.1%
1gx7m9vb"Bentham's Three 'Rules of Moral Duty'"22462182.7%
8b9346zx"Non-consequentialist Utilitarianism"16491555.5%
4zn812s7“From Utilitarianism To Kantism: Bentham’s Proof of Utilitarianism, Mill and Kant”14441402.8%
1gq9w0hw"Utilitarianism and Dewey’s 'Three Independent Factors in Morals'”124111138.9%
3r95842nConsequentialism and Moral Responsibility907837.8%
0fc4j78x“Mill’s Extraordinary Utilitarian Moral Theory”54104418.5%
9rx2c09v"The Utilitarian Influence on American Legal Science in the Early Republic"543515.6%
58b08022"Murphy’s Collective Principle of Beneficence"382365.3%
985467q3"The Reception of Peter Singer’s Theories in France"3042613.3%
715593qn“José del Valle: a Benthamite in Central America”2742314.8%
7h5852rr"Moral Uncertainty and the Principle of Equity among Moral Theories"2719870.4%
3q11q6vrPolitical and Philosophical Radicalism: The place of the utility principle in Jeremy Bentham's Early writings on critical jurisprudence.2691734.6%
3462f75h"The Self-Preference Principle: Bentham’s Transition to Epistemological and Democratic Radicalism"2532212.0%
88w4c1mr"How To Be a Consequentialist About Everything"22101245.5%
9d71b30h"Interpreting Mill"2231913.6%
16r6s19t"Mass Atrocities, Retributivism, and the Threshold Challenge"2171433.3%
8d59f306"Happiness, Well-Being, and William Thompson’s Social(ist) Utilitarianism"2171433.3%
1f66d6j5"The Cooperation Argument for Fairness in International Trade"1921710.5%
216255vs“The Problem of Well-Being: Respect, Equality, and the Self”1913668.4%
0fz4x35q"Utilitarian Political Economy, Natural Rights and the Poor"1861233.3%
30d818rq“What the Utilitarian Cannot Think”1821611.1%
3d40m6nq"The Asymmetry Argument"1821611.1%
4g22f239“Consequentialism, Time, and Value”181175.6%
1k19j8w9"The Teleological Conception of Practical Reasons"1771041.2%
7qn994ct"Patron-Client Relationships in the Radical Enlightenment"161156.3%
0qk7c30w"How Not to Argue for Rule-Consequentialism"1531220.0%
5pq206bx"Defending the Dualism of the Practical Reason Against Parfit’s"1510566.7%
8vc0r9ct“Can Consequentialization Advance the Cause of Consequentialism?”113827.3%
2fn0j5rp"Utilitarian Adjudication"100100.0%
67t3n3z8“Intentions and Moral Permissibility”92722.2%
6ms0x8xj“The Consequences of Rejecting the Moral Relevance of the Doing-allowing Distinction"91811.1%
8bp853f8“How Politicians Mislead Us; Jeremy Bentham on Political Fallacies”9090.0%
4rb3n46k“Leveling the Playing Field: Equality of Opportunity and Counterfactual Responsibility”81712.5%
4sv6q775Consequentialism in Transition82625.0%
64w666m6"Can There Be a Utilitarian Theory of the Reactive Attitudes"71614.3%
67c2s2zq"Utility, Determinism, and Possibility: Context to the Rescue"73442.9%
58r6d1bs"Reconciling Consequentialism with Ordinary Moral Knowledge"5050.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.