Lamma: A Journal of Libyan Studies

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: History by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-082024-072024-062024-05
48d4r77pThe Tuareg dialect of Ghat in 185019055444348
8550z45jResearch on Language in Libya13930363736
43f105d8Libyan Studies: A Call to Sociology12230302933
7mw2n8rpKnowing Libya: Ethnography12118393727
1zr1p74cThe Shore is the Land12034362822
35f5p3tbReview of In Vested Interests: From Passion to Patronage, The AbdulMagid Breish Collection of Arab Art11620353031
11w4n6cfField Research in Libya11527333223
52h7w5g4Methods and Sources for a New Generation of Libyan Studies: A Roundtable11424363024
0s84b75qQtelni ash-shar11326313224
7dn8f97rReview of Women in the Modern History of Libya11225332628
8fh8132kChallenges and Promises Related to Research on Women and Public Space in Tripoli, Libya11226303224
5d36j9dhUncovering Concealed Pasts, Centering Silenced Knowledges10724322922
2ps382kzReview of Religion as Resistance: Negotiating Authority in Italian Libya10625302724
48h8q1zwLamma 2 Front Matter104314132
2kn1q56mRising from Shar: A Meditation on the Future of our History10119293122
1tp507xzموسسة تجرُّد ومهمة العمارة والفنون الإصلاحية في ليبيا وما وراءها10023282623
584036x4Ayt Innej: The Oasis Folks9523232722
7w13679dBuilding Bayt Ali Gana6114181217
2zd7w09dThe Construction of Virility and Performance of Masculinities in the Language Practices of Young Men in Tripoli50122576
5px7d30dA Pool of Water: Perspectives on the Libyan Revolution458161011
83d8w5v5Re-Centering Libya’s History: Mediterranean Bulwark, Defender of Africa, or Bridge between Continents?431015810
3jc583n9“The Whole Shadow of Man”: Alessandro Spina’s Libyan Epic401215112
5nv1j9z0Review of The Slave Pens by Najwa Bin Shatwan39916104
4jv11928Review of Review of Jewish Libya: Memory & Identity in Text & Image, edited by Jacques Roumani, David Meghnagi, & Judith Roumani35710108
27m506fcRetracing a Disappearing Landscape: On Libyan Cultural Memory30101262
72f2765tA Gathering239752

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.