Research Center for Romance Studies

Parent: UC Berkeley

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
3c26t18q<em>Comparative Romance Linguistics Bibliographies</em> 69 (2021)24911013944.2%
87h4d2fhComparative Romance Linguistics Bibliographies Volume 71 (2023)2492034681.5%
1b4612sb<strong>Comparative Romance Linguistics Bibliographies</strong>&nbsp;Volume 67 (2019)24411512947.1%
03j8g8tt&nbsp;Comparative Romance Linguistics Bibliographies, vol. 62 (2013)2148313138.8%
18c0z1r7Comparative Romance Linguistics Bibliographies Volume 70 (2022)1851404575.7%
16r0w71rComparative Romance Linguistics Bibliographies, vol. 64 (2015).1706410637.6%
6618d1jfWitchcraft in San Gabriel: Accusations of Sorcery against María de Zamora San Gabriel, New Mexico, 16071453610924.8%
5xv0t5bqDocuments Concerning the Revolt of the Indians of the Province of New Mexico in 1680126606647.6%
7162z2rpThe Expedition of Juan de Oñate to Quivira in 1601 as Narrated in the “True Report” and the “Valverde Interrogatory”116585850.0%
1nv015s3Comparative Romance Linguistics Bibliographies115635254.8%
8198x7p6Comparative Romance Linguistics Bibliographies, vol. 63 (2014)111446739.6%
0fr37213Dossier concerning the abuses of Luis de Rosas, governor of New Mexico (1637-1641), his murder in 1641, and the extrajudicial execution of the alleged conspirators in the murder by Alonso Pacheco de Heredia, governor of New Mexico (1642-1644)109377233.9%
9jf9t3mz<strong>Comparative Romance Linguistics Bibliographies</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong>Volume 65 (2016)93375639.8%
8b07n3s4Statements of New Mexico colonists recruited and conducted to Santa Fe by Juan Páez Hurtado October 26, 1697 - January 17, 169889484153.9%
66q4f7wfAutos seguidos contra unos indios genízaros del pueblo de Abiquiú, Nuevo México acusados de hechiceros maléficos por su ministro el reverendo padre fray Juan José Toledo 1760-176686404646.5%
1t41z1jzLa "Relación" del padre Francisco Escobar de la expedición al Mar del Sur de Juan de Oñate (1604-1605)83295434.9%
8z94h2j8Fray Juan de Escalona, Comissary of the Franciscan Missions of New Mexico, to King Phillip III Concerning Conditions in the New Colony October 15, 160172165622.2%
3769j3mmThe Trial Before the Tribunal of the Holy Office in Mexico City of Doña Teresa de Aguilera y Roche, Wife of the Governor of New Mexico, Don Bernardo López de Mendizábal, on Suspicion of Practicing Jewish Rites (1664) Part 2: Archivo General de la Nación, México. Ramo Inquisición, vol. 596,fols. 45r-153v71244733.8%
4v76k1ccBibliography of Hispano-Romance Linguistics (Spanish, Portuguese, and Catalan)71373452.1%
4v34d0nwDocuments from the Early Days of the Pueblo Revolt of 168069234633.3%
1kj204t1Captain Diego Romero Accused of Heretical Propositions and Superstitious Practices in New Mexico 1661-166568254336.8%
4gr78391Diario y derrotero que cogió el Sr. General Don Antonio Valverde Cossío, Governador y Capitan General de Nuevo México en la campaña que ejecutó en 1719 contra las naciones Yutas y Comanches68274139.7%
3k12c3w9The Language of the Mozarabic jarchas65382758.5%
04c560ktThe Trial Before the Tribunal of the Holy Office in Mexico City of Doña Teresa de Aguilera y Roche, Wife of the Governor of New Mexico, Don Bernardo López de Mendizábal, on Suspicion of Practicing Jewish Rites (1664) Part 3: Archivo General de la Nación, México. Ramo Inquisición, vol. 596,fols. 154r-203v62392362.9%
0t09r90tInvestigation of the Conduct of Francisco Vázquez de Coronado and his Company during their Exploration of New Mexico in 1540-1542, Conducted by Licentiate Lorenzo Tejada 154462184429.0%
4ww3x4q9Comparative Romance Linguistics Bibliographies, vol. 68 (2020)62283445.2%
3dw2x0nrWitchcraft in Santo Tomás de Abiquiú, New Mexico 1764-176561243739.3%
6gv962r9Fray Francisco Pérez Huerta, Report on the Conflict Between&nbsp;Pedro de Peralta, Governor of New Mexico,&nbsp;and Fray Isidro Ordóñez, Franciscan Commissary, 161758184031.0%
5313v23hDiego Pérez de Luján, Relación de la expedición de Antonio de Espejo a Nuevo México, 1582-158357223538.6%
7pb6j8fxFray Marcos de Niza, "Relación" (1539), edition and study56233341.1%
696797fxThe Trial Before the Tribunal of the Holy Office in Mexico City of Doña Teresa de Aguilera y Roche, Wife of the Governor of New Mexico, Don Bernardo López de Mendizábal, on Suspicion of Practicing Jewish Rites (1664) Part 4: Archivo General de la Nación, México. Ramo Inquisición, vol. 596,fols. 204r-277r55391670.9%
44h815pgThe Trial of Nicolás Ortiz, accused of the murder of don Luis de Rosas Governor of New Mexico in 1641.54104418.5%
02w6f5bsInvestigation of the Rebellion of the Manso Indians and their Allies carried out by Domingo Jironza Pétriz de Cruzate, Governor of New Mexico, from 15 March to 3 November 168453262749.1%
25w449n4The Campaign Journal of Don Diego de Vargas Zapata Luján Ponce de León, Governor of New Mexico: The Great Detour, from Santa Fe to Taos back to Santa Fe via the San Luis Valley of Colorado June 30 – July 16, 169452183434.6%
6g50g2vnThe Cíbola Project: Progress Report #7 (Spring, 2012)52173532.7%
6hz1x4s4Zaldívar and the Cattle of Cíbola: Vicente de Zaldívar’s Report of His Expedition to the Buffalo Plains in 159852232944.2%
09c5c0ngFrancisco de Ayeta and the 1680 Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico: Preliminaries to a Biography51232845.1%
00w4c1b2The Trial Before the Tribunal of the Holy Office in Mexico City of Doña Teresa de Aguilera y Roche, Wife of the Governor of New Mexico, Don Bernardo López de Mendizábal, on Suspicion of Practicing Jewish Rites (1664) First part: Archivo General de la Nación, México. Ramo Inquisición, vol. 596, fols. 1-4450222844.0%
3gw5w3txSanta Fe reconquistada Diego de Vargas, Diario de campaña y documentos relacionados Desde 5 de enero de 169450183236.0%
38k6r8dtThe Campaign Journal of Don Diego de Vargas Zapata Luján, Santa Fe, New Mexico – January 8 – May 31, 169449232646.9%
6fn1w9p2Captain Nicolás de Aguilar Accused of Heretical Propositions and Persecution of Religious Authorities New Mexico1661-166549202940.8%
01x0n3rnAccusation against Juan Domínguez de Mendoza for blasphemy (1667)48202841.7%
96m0v91xA Second Object Lesson Concerning Two Recent Editions of Spanish Colonial Documents of New Mexico48173135.4%
2sd824s4<strong>Causa criminal contra Juan Domínguez de Mendoza </strong><strong>fulminada <em>in absentia</em> por el gobernador de Nuevo México </strong><strong>Domingo Gironza Pétriz de Cruzate,</strong><strong>Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe del Paso</strong><strong>18 de septiembre – 6 de octubre de 1685</strong>&nbsp;44182640.9%
5xk8w814The Sad Fate of Bernardo Gruber, German Merchant, Imprisoned by Order of fray Juan de Paz, Commissary of the Inquisition in New Mexico 1668-167043103323.3%
0m98c443Muster of Men Able to Bear Arms Conducted by Antonio de Otermín, Governor of New Mexico 22 September-31 October 168242231954.8%
13g873nrAccusations of Peyote-Induced Hallucinations, Bigamy, and Witchcraft Presented to the Commissaries of the Inquisition in New Mexico1628-163242152735.7%
3jt748vtThe Cíbola Project: Mission Statement and Staff4293321.4%
3v20d9v7“fio me a de librar Dios nuestro señor . . . de mis falsos acusadores”: doña Teresa de Aguilera y Roche al tribunal de la Inquisición (1664, México)42162638.1%
4wt8m665Juan de Frías Salazar ’s Inspection of Juan de Oñate’s Equipment and Personnel Destined for the Conquest of Nuevo México November 16, 1597–Februrary 2, 15984283419.0%

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