Refract: An Open Access Visual Studies Journal

Parent: UC Santa Cruz

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
3rb6n5q7BLAST RADIUS: No. 4 in a Series of Data Humanization Performances353233306.5%
9n15q89fThe Face of an Empire: Cosmetics and Whiteness in Imperial Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I2045215225.5%
7xm6v7j2My Love to Be Defused: Beginnings of an Ethics of Belonging through Negotiations of a National Socialist Image in Daily Life, from Infancy to Adulthood (Excerpts from Diaries Now Titled, The Responsibility of Being That Sort of Baby, March 24–July 25, 201882416412.8%
5w56c6n3Trans Self-Imaging Praxis, Decolonizing Photography, and the Work of Alok Vaid-Menon1814613525.4%
94q869s6(Un)veiling Sappho: Renée Vivien and Natalie Clifford Barney’s Radical Translation Projects1753813721.7%
15h4c86zRefract Journal, Issue 1: "Refraction"140617943.6%
9tt733scThe Double Edge of Visibility and Invisibility: Cassils and Queer Exhaustion132617146.2%
0p507033Denis Diderot’s “Salons” as Art Conservation in Eighteenth-Century France1301511511.5%
2r58110hThe Trophy and The Appeal: Colonial Photography and the Ghosts of Witnessing in German Southwest Africa12991207.0%
8z75g1k7Imagining the Future of Digital Publishing124824266.1%
8vc716rqVisualizing Banaba: Art and Research about a Diffracted Pacific Island1161310311.2%
4dv7j9tvMaurice Denis (1870–1943) and the Sacred Grove: Temporality in Fin de Siècle France113347930.1%
0qk2z1c2Refract Journal, Volume 2: "Translation"112526046.4%
3zm9t9mcIntroduction to “Refraction”11261065.4%
5r76v48zI’m New Here: Black and Indigenous Media Ecologies: Curatorial Statement107367133.6%
1z0340v4Mere Image: Caravaggio, Virtuosity, and Medusa’s Averted Eyes104267825.0%
5d99g907VOLTA VOLTA995945.1%
4259n982What is Radical Writing in Visual Studies?919829.9%
4q20b7qqSynthesizing a Dual-Definition of Façade in the Western Palaces of the Yuanming Yuan: Art, Politics, and Place-making in the Garden of Perfect Brightness91187319.8%
9ps74313Sensing Place81513063.0%
24r1z37dRefract Journal, Volume 4: Document/ary Full Issue77631481.8%
7s96s6kb“If You’re Out There, Please Listen to Me…”: Voices of Mourning Through the Wind Phone (Kaze no Denwa)72215129.2%
0q8867m4Letter from the Editor696638.7%
0288q432Glimmers of Digital Publishing Innovation66224433.3%
697345pnPower Geometry in Urban Memory: Reading Taksim Square Through the Concept of Representation of Space64204431.3%
6x75v6kdHappy Bullish 2011!!!: Olek’s Project B64244037.5%
9818j6f7Navigating Media, Technology, and Narrative: Considering the Digital Turn in Scholarly Publishing6495514.1%
1n63968dPublic Displays of Affection61293247.5%
2r4924w1Land, Water, Explorer: Place-Making “America” in the Early Modern Period61204132.8%
50g5j00dImages, Copyright, and the Future of Digital Publishing in the Arts61105116.4%
98n4g1zwThe Future of Digital Publishing61214034.4%
3d78r1dbThe Somatic and Textural Language of Patricia Belli: Recrafting Social and Political Bodies in 1990s Nicaragua58302851.7%
31w7t9f3Linguistic Spatial Violence: The Muslim Cameleers in the Australian Outback5794815.8%
3dm5k83wMapping Sonic Futurities57263145.6%
26t834v1Harun Farocki, Serious Games III (Immersion) (Review)56104617.9%
5tr219kdLooking Backward into the Future: Thoughts on the Study of the Past, Ritual, and Women’s Eucharistic Experiences in Byzantium55322358.2%
1gb5592rInterview with Boreth Ly on Her New Book, Traces of Trauma54243044.4%
77f2z4g6What Does It Mean to Be Truly Open Access?5284415.4%
78x622whThe Televised Apocalypse52183434.6%
39w6b0hxRefract Journal, Volume 3: Hauntings and Traces Full Issue51361570.6%
86g096rxCraptions: Instagram Notes from Joseph Grigely50222844.0%
9w11p9stPhotogrammetry and Zhongshan Pavilion: Reconstructing Urban Memory of the Wenxi Fire504468.0%
9ps0d7z3From a Native Daughter: Seeking Home and Ancestral Lines through a Dashboard Hula Girl49113822.4%
5p888323Table of Contents4893918.8%
73x8c0xwTito/Tata: Fiction and Factuality in Documentary Photographs of the Father Figure in Communist Yugoslavia48173135.4%
7wt7z8mxDouce Mélancholie: Sonic Negotiations of Absence in the Works of Susan Philipsz and Félicia Atkinson48341470.8%
0m80q0bgInterpreting the Legal Archive of Visual Transformations: Textual Articulations of Visibility in Evidentiary Procedures and Documentary Formats of Colonial Law47291861.7%
8g38v41wThe Struggle of Memory against Forgetting: Afterlife and Memorialization of Imagery Surrounding South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission47113623.4%
1n22g022The Heat is On46242252.2%
0jm0w8c7Front Matter4593620.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.