SIO Reference

Parent: Scripps Institution of Oceanography

eScholarship stats: History by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-082024-072024-062024-05
8px2019mThe index of refraction of seawater4351107494157
09v319r9Exchanges of Atmospheric CO2 and 13CO2 with the Terrestrial Biosphere and Oceans from 1978 to 2000. I. Global Aspects25963576178
73p3r43qVolume Scattering Functions for Selected Ocean Waters11735233029
62q699rwBioelectric Fields in Sea Water and the Function of the Ampullae of Lorenzini in Elasmobranch Fishes10026223220
4k51f7p0Fluorometric Techniques For The Measurement Of Oceanic Chlorophyll In The Support Of Remote Sensing9519322123
5581g26hScripps Stories: Days to Remember, In Celebration of 90 Years9441231317
7vz9j289Scour and Burial of Bottom Mines: a Primer for Fleet Use9122342114
7ct1c67zFLIP, FLoating Instrument Platform881813516
1bp439dtBibliography of the SIO Reference Series 1945 - 20028613201736
00w7r16jHistorical Logbook Databases from California's Commercial Passenger Fishing Vessel (Partyboat) Fishery, 1936-19977819241619
0hv3c031Underwater Lighting by Submerged Lasers and Incandescent Sources782328189
2kc7x97fVariability of Marine Fog Along the California Coast781437189
345297jvIndex to Sediment Samples from East and Southeast Asia Seas653121103
0mg5s34fSediment Data Bank Users Handbook60272562
4ct114wzLake Tanganyika Geochemical and Hydrographic Study: 1973 Expedition571918416
5689j308Seeking Signals in the Sea: Recollections of the Marine Physical Laboratory542191212
8fs2t15mCumulative Bibliography of the SIO Reference Series 1974-197854122715
2q24q7ssA Preliminary Report on Expeditions Monsoon and Lusiad 1960 - 1963 University of Calilfornia, San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography Cruises to the Indian Ocean50242123
8pd600kpRadiative transfer on discrete spaces461116127
20c152njAugust - September 1958. Field Report. IGY Clipperton Island Expedition45161487
2vh4s4z1Multiplier phototube secondary emission characteristics44231812
4j55b1s6The George H. Scripps Memorial Marine Biological Laboratory of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego44818513
5d5419svThe Horizontal Electric Dipole in a Conducting Half-Space441212137
5458537bSan Onofre Beach Study43161557
3ws4t6t9Markov chains and radiative transfer41251132
66b0b4k1Catalog of the Benthic Invertebrate Collections of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. I - Decapod Crustacea and Stomatopoda41149216
00s1h3xkTemporal metric spaces in radiative transfter theory. III. Characteristic spheroids and ellipsoids4023125
2jc2k9tg"It's the Water that Makes you Drunk" - A Celebration in Geophysics and Oceanography - 1982, In Honor of Walter Munk on his 65th Birthday, October 19, 198240141943
4z92r4pbCatalog of the Benthic Invertebrate Collections of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Mollusca40151267
9dj653g5The divergence of the light field in optical media39211431
4cd965b7Water clarity nomographs3825112
79b6m3s7Correlation between measured path function and relative humidity382594
2sw743vpCruise Report, INDOPAC Expedition Legs 4, 5, 6, 7, and 837191422
32d8b3pjCumulative Bibliography of the SIO Reference Series 1969-19733717191
7zk4f1djExchanges of Atmospheric CO2 and 13CO2 with the Terrestrial Biosphere and Oceans from 1978 to 2000. IV. Critical Overview37161155
27m4241wWater clarity meter. Operating and maintenance instructions3642057
6qn0c3stNamias Symposium3621843
90t0898rSubmarine visibility and related ambient light studies3619836
5cs2r1wwInvestigation of errors in the measurement of radiant energy for correlation with primary productivity3524101
6b05s9bpFinal Report of Naga Expedition35171233
86g2p5kkManometer Report III: Manometric Calibrations of Primary CO2 Reference Gases During 197435131723
123184ztSediment Data Bank Coding Instructions34161251
2bb5h9pxOceanographic Expeditions: Names and Notes3419357
3676p6rtOptimal Rectifier Systems for the Detection of Steady Signals3417863
2rg5b301The Horizontal Electric Dipole in a Conducting Half-Space, II33111642
3986d413Atmospheric optical measurements dueing high altitude balloon flight, part I33191013
0394j1vgSurface Water Temperatures and Salinities At Shore Stations, United States West Coast 19873212155
7q27f1h1A proof of the asymptotic radiance hypothesis3216151
9fr0r928Shipboard Report, Capricorn Expedition 26 September 1952 – 21 February 19533216754

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.