Faculty Publications

Parent: Spanish and Portuguese

eScholarship stats: History by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-082024-072024-062024-05
5n80v6z2Curriculum Vitae and Bibliography6215171713
38r0s439A Bibliography of the Legislative Works of Alfonso X el Sabio (1986) with update (1981-1990)561115237
1cg57404Alfonso X, Siete Partidas 2.21 De los caballeros501814612
3c0009vdAlfonso X and the Jews: An Edition of and Commentary on <em>Siete Partidas,</em> 7.24 “De los judíos”501216814
1mr9w68gLa legislación alfonsí ante el pecado y las transgresiones civiles48261732
4sw0w6mwEl texto del Espéculo de Alfonso X el Sabio4424479
2ws78434La "nota cronológica" que concluye el prefacio de las Siete Partidas: materiales para su estudio4220679
3rk2d1ftProlegomena to a Critical Edition of the <em>Crónica de Alfonso X</em>40221233
94x8836mLos pecados veniales en las Partidas y en el Setenario3417845
5f4485gjEl español en California: <em>Pasado y futuro</em>31151132
1h42b5v0Alfonso X Writes to His Son: Reflections on the Crónica de Alfonso X29121223
2dm7s447El Español en California: <em>The Spanish Language in California -- A Bilingual Guide</em>2971642
7k58w8x1La Sentencia de Dios: Aspectos legendarios de la sucesión al trono de Castilla y León en tiempos del Rey don Alfonso X, el Sabio2812637
7cp6s64q“Alfonsine Spanish: New Electronic Textual Sources,Their Great Advantages and Quaint Quirks”249447
96r3838jHistorical Morphology and Textual Criticism: The Transmission of Inflected Forms in the Siete Partidas.215727
7ns8x0jq“On his Majesty Nebuchadnezzar’s Secret Service: Ibn Wasif’s The Jewels of the Seas and Alfonso the Learned’s Grand and General History”194735

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.