Territories: A Trans-Cultural Journal of Regional Studies

Parent: UC Santa Barbara

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
6073c1c1Rethinking Minor Literature and Small Literature as Secondary Zone Literature604225823.6%
1fk7k99mBook Review: "Indigenizing Philosophy through the Land: A Trickster Methodology for Decolonizing Environmental Ethics and Indigenous Futures"106129411.3%
5vw2h0h8Small and Large Cultures: Individuality, the Collective, Conformity and the Period of the Cold War84216325.0%
4zt3p4wdThe Basque Diaspora before Paul: Deferred Identities, Food and Music for a Transdisciplinary Approach to Basque Studies80255531.3%
8cf7q5n4Erronka(s) and a Transdisciplinary Approach for Basque Studies66145221.2%
1nj20259Re-membering Armenian Literature in the Soviet Borderlands65125318.5%
7dn812kxAlgorithmic Nations: Towards the Techno-Political (Basque) City-Region6275511.3%
0dn7r005Yaeko Nogami’s Travelogue about the Basque Country: Implications for a Transnational Perspective for Basque Studies58114719.0%
4hp5149wMemories of ‘Basque Violence’ political violence, conflict, and reconciliation in the perspective of cultural narratology: a transdisciplinary and transnational paradigm?49103920.4%
46x735w6Beyond Multidisciplinarity . . . and Interdisciplinarity. Transdisciplinarity and the history of Basque Studies434399.3%
3216t9ppToward an Expanded Cubanidad: Foucault’s Aesthetics of the Self and the Embodiment of Revolutionary Subjectivities41103124.4%
7wv3v7xrTransatlantic Literary Networks during the Cold War: Emir Rodríguez Monegal, Reader for Gallimard3863215.8%
1ng4t499From the Poetry of Late Socialism to the Dogmatism of Democracy: The Cinema of the Former Eastern Bloc before and after the Collapse of Communism3782921.6%
49c5c74sEditors Note372355.4%
9f51316jKundera and Ionesco on the Unmistakable Awareness of Being Minor3562917.1%
9b70t0pf(Ultra)Minor Comics? Opening Up the History of (Post-)Yugoslav and Bulgarian Comics to Outsiders3492526.5%
69n6d1wnCensorship and Self-Translation in the Era of the Latin American Boom2942513.8%
14v9183kBook Review Resilience, Crisis and Innovation Dynamics. New Horizons in Regional Science series2371630.4%
6sg0n7ggEU spatiality under question - Territorial cohesion in danger2351821.7%
11q6r30nThe weak fronts of political pluralism. National and cultural minorities in Europe1741323.5%
8p95w463Book Review Old Gods, New Enigmas: Marx’s Lost Theory121118.3%
9649952fLevinas’ notion of neighbor as an approach to understand Pío Baroja, otherness and modern Spain.120120.0%
89k54194Note from the Editor112918.2%
2f06w547Note from Editor-in-Chief101910.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.