TRANSMODERNITY: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World

Parent: School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
21k6t3fqDecolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality2,045478621583363
62j3w283Epistemic Disobedience and the Decolonial Option: A Manifesto1,384278381397328
9x4597bvThe Spanish Colonial Past in the Writer’s Memory: (Post)colonial Nostalgias in Enrique Fernández Lumba’s Hispanofilia Filipina8128596154477
59w8j02xThinking through the Decolonial Turn: Post-continental Interventions in Theory, Philosophy, and Critique—An Introduction705153242185125
2mx6c3s1Desafiando al patriarcado a través del fuego: el empoderamiento de las mujeres en Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego de Mariana Enríquez60491205169139
6591j76rTransmodernity and Interculturality: An Interpretation from the Perspective of Philosophy of Liberation42081103106130
01w7163vDecolonizing Western Uni-versalisms: Decolonial Pluri-versalism from Aimé Césaire to the Zapatistas29274658271
16w6d98rThe <em>Ego Conquiro </em>as the Paradigm of Modern Imperialism and its Violence Against the Struggle for Epistemic Justice27158778254
58k9k17tEnrique Dussel’s Transmodernism26159706963
85p697k6El poeta chino y el modernismo: “Li-Po” de José Juan Tablada23014549468
59m869d2From Critical Theory to the Philosophy of Liberation: Some Themes for Dialogue21650566644
5hg8t7cjEnrique Dussel's Liberation Thought in the Decolonial Turn21443626346
57c8s9grTransmodernidad: un nuevo paradigma19436506048
5ms6479hA History that does not yet exist. Historiography and the Postcolonial Question at the Crossroads of Postmodernity19248465840
3xt7p9n6Globalization/Coloniality: A Decolonial Definition and Diagnosis18835506142
08n5s5xhOrientalism and De-Orientalism in Contemporary Latin America: Reading César Aira18244505335
9gx38587Stephen Greenblatt, ed. Cultural Mobility: A Manifesto. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.15639433737
9976n91gDecolonizing Spanish: Ladino and Chavacano as Sites of Global Hispanophonia15452313833
5xp638m7Entre humano y no humano: las cosmovisiones amazónicas en murales de Amazonarte Perú y el caso de Pucallpa &nbsp; &nbsp;15225475228
4hm2f4pfThe Strategy of Style: Music, Struggle, and the Aesthetics of Sahrawi Nationalism in Exile14733384432
5s2026c8Mexico City, Koans, and the Zen Buddhist Master: Alejandro Jodorowsky, Ejo Takata and the Fundamental Lesson of the Death of the Intellect14634354136
3fz7r65nGonzalo in the Middle Kingdom: What Abimael Guzmán Tells Us in His Three Discussions of His Two Trips to China14237333240
3w33x7bmEl giro decolonial, el Caribe y la posibilidad de una filosofía poscontinental13529394027
3492v2ptAn Epistemology for the Next Revolution13432443424
0dj1b25sWhat Could Human Rights Do? A Decolonial Inquiry13323333938
2md416qvWho We Are and From Where We Speak13231264629
218618vjShifting the Geography of Reason in an Age of Disciplinary Decadence13125423925
8zm9g4k0Broken Records: Materiality, Temporality, and Queer Belonging in Mexican Drag Cabaret Performance13145383117
1tc1k5g9“Coloniality is not over, it’s all over.” Interview with Dr. Walter Mignolo (Nov. 2014, Part II)12828304624
8kz8f6swAfroEspaña antes del boom. Una mirada interdisciplinaria sobre la presencia histórica y el legado cultural negro12732273632
0zd750m3El legado colonial en las representaciones culturales de las mujeres afrodescendientes en el contexto de Abya Yala12628373130
15s6r0n6Did You Listen? Zapatismo and Epistemic Decolonization11815393628
4kf1v4d2Interview with Haruki Murakami: On Latin American Literature and Cultural Roots11233303316
6qd721cp“Other” Knowledges, “Other” Critiques: Reflections on the Politics and Practices of Philosophy and Decoloniality in the “Other” America11130432315
5z75g4f4Transitando el Mediterráneo: etiquetas literarias y subjetividades híbridas en la tríada migratoria de Najat El Hachmi10918204625
1c45n518Fornoff, Carolyn. <em>Subjunctive Aesthetics: Mexican Cultural Production in the Era of Climate Change</em>. Vanderbilt University Press, 2024. 264 pp.10716223732
7gp3m2cpMar de plástico: Masculinity, Whiteness, and Eastern European Migrants in Spanish Prime Time Television10425213919
3tp4p886From Oppressive to Benign: A Comparative History of the Construction of Whiteness in Brazil in the Post Abolition Era1003334294
6ws5m9kzMasculinity As Privileged Human Agency In H. G. Oesterheld’s El Eternauta99781182
7j81d158Viajeros a la República Popular China: José Venturelli, los intelectuales, políticos y parlamentarios chilenos en los años cincuenta y sesenta9718272725
5c65b55fBribes, Refusals, and a Grammar of Exploitation in También la lluvia and La carga964122258
7b39p42sRacismo sexual y representaciones de los chinos en el norte de México en la película Sonora y la novela Tu nombre chino9431222417
25m6m32fGeografías de lo indómito: Desierto, misión y sujetos fronterizos en la Nueva Vizcaya9323242521
57f2w8nwDisembodied and Deportable Labor at the U.S. Mexico-Border: Representations of the Mexican Body in Film9320232822
53h6z206Wifredo Lam en España (1923-1938): La lenta construcción del “caballo de Troya”9216232330
5dv9d4jqChasing Your (Josie) Bliss: The Troubling Critical Afterlife of Pablo Neruda’s Burmese Lover9212242531
9s46z62rCumbia literaria: apuntes para un ideologema en la literatura argentina del siglo XXI9215262922
0nw044q0La literatura marfileña en español. Una historia panafricana y anticolonial a través de un nuevo campo de estudio para el hispanismo9031152123
2599k1kfPost-Apocalyptic Visions: Biopolitics, Late Capitalism, and Trauma in Children of Men and Naked City Spleen902931219
3qz9v2b5Entrevista a Youssef El Maimouni8923311619

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.