Presentation Grants

Parent: Librarians Association of the University of California - LAUC

eScholarship stats: History by Item for August through November, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-112024-102024-092024-08
7cb6641cTaking the world for a spin: teaching spatial and data visualization with a digital globe651223822
3jr7w2mcA Shuttle Full of Flags: Use of Flags in the Space Shuttle Program42510621
7bq61487Best Practices for Achieving Compliance with the NIH Public Access Mandate4247526
16k0w5q1Library Residency Programs: Investing in the Future of Libraries323524
9pb9n2vcMaterial Culture of a Community Trauma:  Building a Memorial Collection Out of the Isla Vista Tragedy3035220
3h55v6xsLatin for Rare Materials Catalogers2586110
5ht6725mCopyright Hot Topics for College and Research Libraries224414
4t82x1v7Planes, Trains, and Automobiles? Engaging Medical Students with Interactive, Skills-based Multimodal Evidence-Based Practice Instruction2117310
74h0g9gkCultural Frameworks in Teamwork Analysis206212
0zw526h7Tracing Culture through a Historic Building: Malonga Casquelourd Center for the Arts, Oakland1915310
7mw1h8zqBetter Ways to Count Reference, in order to Count on Reference17647
8nt7s3jnGIS Data Citation Rates: are data being properly credited in lists of references?17449
74p3c955Grass roots visual literacy, an organic approach153417
8zc0h365New Shades of Grey: The Emergence of E‐Science, Scientific Data and Challenges for Research Libraries14536

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.