Berkeley Planning Journal

Parent: Department of City and Regional Planning

eScholarship stats: History by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-122024-112024-102024-09
7242m3b1Urbanization and the Transition from Agrarian to Industrial Society831176215245195
1mc9t108Reconsidering Social Equity in Public Transit40883113109103
7br0d6c3Landscapes of the Dead: an Argument for Conservation Burial354848210088
5rb320n3The ‘Occupy’ Movement: Emerging Protest Forms and Contested Urban Spaces340931058656
6d4039j5Marxist Theories of Development, the New International Division of Labor, and the Third World3381131175751
04b7c73hSustainable Campus Transportation through Transit Partnership and Transportation Demand Management: A Case Study from the University of Florida323541169657
3p5213jdHow to Save Chinatown: Preserving affordability and community service through ethnic retail304761217433
8cb3s0fhPrivatization of Public Transit: A Review of the Research on Contracting of Bus Services in the United States30285788554
2ns059h3A Conversation with Manuel Castells25452647365
1wh7z9zrThe Transit Metropolis: A Global Inquiry by Robert Cervero24781656239
1jd03499There Goes the 'Hood: Views of Gentrification from the Ground Up by Lance Freeman23974764940
6299b40dPlanning in the Face of Power by John Forester23753628141
7v76m4ndThe Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America23562616844
26b8d8zhUrban Land Developers and the Origins of Zoning Laws: The Case of Berkeley23460636249
4sw2g485The Racial Contours of YIMBY/NIMBY Bay Area Gentrification21757547135
1z65n65rCity Building: Nine Planning Principles for the 21st Century By John Lund Kriken19954544150
6qz342bwThe Making of the Future: Limits of and Alternatives to Forecasting in the Planning Process19926428645
20s78772The Impact of Urban Form on Travel Behavior: A Meta-Analysis19850515443
8fs581r1Feminist Theory and Planning Theory: Lessons from Feminist Epistemologies18950475339
1kd3f2h0Globalization and Its Discontents: Essays on the New Mobility of People and Money by Saskia Sassen18455494040
0tg6v7tnBasing Transport Planning on Principles of Social Justice18334405554
6s67g8mhThe Economic Impacts of the Loma Prieta Earthquake: A Focus on Small Business18359475423
86k5z9dpWhose City is it Anyway? Jane Jacobs vs. Robert Moses and Contemporary Redevelopment Politics in New York City17622635041
2df4m61bFrom Shrinking Cities to Toshi no Shukushō: Identifying Patterns of Urban Shrinkage in the Osaka Metropolitan Area17252483834
97p1p1jxThe “Perforated City:” Leipzig’s Model of Urban Shrinkage Management16844514231
4r20p6f6Urbanism in the Age of Climate Change, by Peter Calthorpe15833384542
5t4114nrDisciplining the Metropolis: Grand Paris, Immigration, and the Banlieue15744344633
1dj6j10mSustainable Transportation: Problems and Solutions by William R. Black and An Introduction to Sustainable Transportation: Policy, Planning, and Implementation By Preston L. Schiller, Eric C. Bruun, and Jeffrey R. Kenworthy15431305043
1774k1bkSegregation, Spatial (In)Justice, and the City14952353725
44s7s44vThe Privatization of Residential Water Supply and Sanitation Services: Social Equity Issues in the California and International Contexts14633314735
9hv1g7zfA High-Rise Vernacular in Singapore's Housing Development Board Housing14621484136
9cd585drShrinking Cities: Fuzzy Concept or Useful Framework?14546294228
9kc097zpHow Green is Silicon Valley? Ecological Sustainability and the High-tech Industry14438395314
8ms3q57mChicken Coops and Machines of Interminable Errors: A History of the Grands Ensembles in Parisian Suburbs14343263836
9wz0t6gtRapa Nui on the Verge: Easter Island’s Struggles with Integration and Globalization in the Information Age14027434228
0kx2106kPlanning To Perform: Evaluation Models For City Planners13630344428
2p76g9nhLearning to Share: Outdoor Commercial Spaces on San Francisco's Valencia Street13529503323
8dv7x526Decolonising Myself: Navigating the Researcher-Activist Identity in the Urban South Pacific13536512820
53g7j9pnEngaging Informality in the New Urban Agenda1273586915
9db7h28xCOVID-19 and the Future of Urban Life12430432724
981259xhCombining Artistry and Technology in Participatory Community Planning118396676
5w75c6xtBeyond the Bake Sale: The Essential Guide to Family·S(hool Partnerships by Anne T. Henderson, Karen L. Mapp, Vivian R. Johnson, and Don Davies11624273134
84p572qhInstitutions and the Growth of Silicon Valley11523314417
49f234rdLEED-ND and Livability Revisited11122263132
9kn3s04mEditors' Note10524392616
0rr0t06sSustainable Transport in Canadian Cities: Cycling Trends and Policies10418223529
2qs0v7dkBook Reviews9920303217
8h15x7zdArchitecture and Landscapes of Segregation: An Historical Look at the Built Environment of Educational Facilities in the United States9936302310
1rs0x68jModernizing Kuwait: Nation-building and Unplanned Spatial Practices9824272522
767512g6A Gradual Reawakening: Broadacre City and a New American Agrarianism9534331711

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.