Open Access Policy Deposits

Parent: Department of City and Regional Planning

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for June through September, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
8pf8s47qUrban green space, public health, and environmental justice: The challenge of making cities ‘just green enough’1,12695417284.7%
4sn2f5wcBus Rapid Transit (BRT): An Efficient and Competitive Mode of Public Transport51812539324.1%
05x370hrRoad Expansion, Urban Growth, and Induced Travel: A Path Analysis2257714834.2%
6jx3k35xRail + Property Development: A model of sustainable transit finance and urbanism2175116623.5%
4px4n55xBus Rapid Transit Impacts on Land Uses and Land Values in Seoul, Korea1474210528.6%
0mh6f3trGentrification, Displacement, and the Role of Public Investment118338528.0%
5dn1w8bzAmbient temperature and term birthweight in Latin American cities110387234.5%
4sx6m7xjResearch for City Practice10601060.0%
4815q4gpState and urban space in Brazil: from modernist planning to democratic interventions87375042.5%
5fd6n8hrFreeway Deconstruction and Urban Regeneration in the United States78146417.9%
3690j6pwTransport Infrastructure and the Environment: Sustainable Mobility and Urbanism74314341.9%
1s110395Which Reduces Vehicle Travel More: Jobs-Housing Balauce or Retail-Housing Mixing?71195226.8%
81b85218A Career in Planning6585712.3%
2d00f48tThe Cost of the Technological Sublime: Daring Ingenuity and the new San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge63115217.5%
9gp6x681Walkable Suburbs? An Evaluation of Neotraditional Communities at the Urban Edge63224134.9%
39q7w812Direct Ridership Model of Bus Rapid Transit in Los Angeles County61223936.1%
7xd819pvBikes or Bust? Analyzing the Impact of Bicycle Infrastructure on Business Performance in San Francisco60402066.7%
2sw4m383The highest and best use? Urban industrial landand job creation57352261.4%
5ps0v8d2From Elevated Freeways to Surface Boulevards: Neighborhood, Traffic, and Housing Price Impacts in San Francisco57312654.4%
6542m550Greenness and excess deaths from heat in 323 Latin American cities: Do associations vary according to climate zone or green space configuration?57401770.2%
7fh2v7zdFinancing Transportation in California: Strategies for Change (Final Draft)55282750.9%
0dk1s0q5Residential Relocation and Commuting Behavior in Shanghai, China: The Case for Transit Oriented Development54124222.2%
1wg020cdResidential Self Selection and Rail Commuting: A Nested Logit Analysis54213338.9%
1v31d899What makes an active public realm? Opportunities and challenges for research53213239.6%
9k2003tnRecent greening may curb urban warming in Latin American cities of better economic conditions.53312258.5%
0kg4x8w8Democracy and violence in Brazil51193237.3%
2dm1k82kWind and the city: An evaluation of San Francisco's planning approach since 198551282354.9%
6m87t0pbDemocracy, law, and violence: disjunctions of Brazilian citizenship51232845.1%
07f611phRegulating Traffic by Controlling Land Use: The Southern California Experience50212942.0%
08j2197sPublic transit use in the United States in the era of COVID-19: Transit riders’ travel behavior in the COVID-19 impact and recovery period5042884.0%
5r09p1w0Struggles to remain in Kigali’s “unplanned” settlements: the case of Bannyahe50262452.0%
68r764dfThe Half-Mile Circle: Does It Best Represent Transit Station Catchments?503476.0%
1hc4v5k8Participatory urban planning in Brazil49331667.3%
4d56r6xkModification of temperature-related human mortality by area-level socioeconomic and demographic characteristics in Latin American cities48321666.7%
0d84c2f4The Half-Mile Circle: Does It Represent Transit Station Catchments?47232448.9%
016170p4Regulating Traffic by Controlling Land Use: The Southern California Experience46222447.8%
5w1761s5Slum Sanitation and the Social Determinants of Women's Health in Nairobi, Kenya.4638882.6%
1s03j365Cows, Climate and the Media45281762.2%
64j1x830Producing urban agroecology in the East Bay: from soil health to community empowerment45331273.3%
7ng722gsModelling the propagation of social response during a disease outbreak.45351077.8%
2gp4m4xqA Quiet Revolution in Transportation Finance: The Rise of Local Option Transportation Taxes44123227.3%
1fv5v3j6Understanding congestion propagation by combining percolation theory with the macroscopic fundamental diagram.43251858.1%
1gt895m0Data-driven modeling of solar-powered urban microgrids.4334979.1%
7ns570hpA new commercial boundary dataset for metropolitan areas in the USA and Canada, built from open data.43202346.5%
2wv0h7rqLearning from Los Angeles: Transport, Urban Form, and Air Quality42271564.3%
57d4z6vbWealth Inequality in the “Land of the Fee”: A Conversation with Devin Fergus4273516.7%
85n2k966Correlation networks of air particulate matter ( PM 2.5 ): a comparative study.42271564.3%
5n14w8tvCollective benefits in traffic during mega events via the use of information technologies.4134782.9%
748006tfMeasuring the effectiveness of San Francisco's planning standard for pedestrian wind comfort41231856.1%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.