Open Access Policy Deposits

Parent: Department of City and Regional Planning

eScholarship stats: History by Item for June through September, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-092024-082024-072024-06
8pf8s47qUrban green space, public health, and environmental justice: The challenge of making cities ‘just green enough’1,126327265235299
4sn2f5wcBus Rapid Transit (BRT): An Efficient and Competitive Mode of Public Transport518143144110121
05x370hrRoad Expansion, Urban Growth, and Induced Travel: A Path Analysis22550585364
6jx3k35xRail + Property Development: A model of sustainable transit finance and urbanism21766465550
4px4n55xBus Rapid Transit Impacts on Land Uses and Land Values in Seoul, Korea14728384734
0mh6f3trGentrification, Displacement, and the Role of Public Investment11827214228
5dn1w8bzAmbient temperature and term birthweight in Latin American cities11016373918
4sx6m7xjResearch for City Practice10693265
4815q4gpState and urban space in Brazil: from modernist planning to democratic interventions8719352013
5fd6n8hrFreeway Deconstruction and Urban Regeneration in the United States7814252415
3690j6pwTransport Infrastructure and the Environment: Sustainable Mobility and Urbanism7412222317
1s110395Which Reduces Vehicle Travel More: Jobs-Housing Balauce or Retail-Housing Mixing?7117241515
81b85218A Career in Planning6514201714
2d00f48tThe Cost of the Technological Sublime: Daring Ingenuity and the new San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge6310211814
9gp6x681Walkable Suburbs? An Evaluation of Neotraditional Communities at the Urban Edge631518219
39q7w812Direct Ridership Model of Bus Rapid Transit in Los Angeles County611116277
7xd819pvBikes or Bust? Analyzing the Impact of Bicycle Infrastructure on Business Performance in San Francisco60830184
2sw4m383The highest and best use? Urban industrial landand job creation57423237
5ps0v8d2From Elevated Freeways to Surface Boulevards: Neighborhood, Traffic, and Housing Price Impacts in San Francisco571310286
6542m550Greenness and excess deaths from heat in 323 Latin American cities: Do associations vary according to climate zone or green space configuration?57129234
7fh2v7zdFinancing Transportation in California: Strategies for Change (Final Draft)55524206
0dk1s0q5Residential Relocation and Commuting Behavior in Shanghai, China: The Case for Transit Oriented Development548161812
1wg020cdResidential Self Selection and Rail Commuting: A Nested Logit Analysis548191512
1v31d899What makes an active public realm? Opportunities and challenges for research531182311
9k2003tnRecent greening may curb urban warming in Latin American cities of better economic conditions.53425195
0kg4x8w8Democracy and violence in Brazil51523203
2dm1k82kWind and the city: An evaluation of San Francisco's planning approach since 198551322224
6m87t0pbDemocracy, law, and violence: disjunctions of Brazilian citizenship51112596
07f611phRegulating Traffic by Controlling Land Use: The Southern California Experience50425156
08j2197sPublic transit use in the United States in the era of COVID-19: Transit riders’ travel behavior in the COVID-19 impact and recovery period50424175
5r09p1w0Struggles to remain in Kigali’s “unplanned” settlements: the case of Bannyahe50724145
68r764dfThe Half-Mile Circle: Does It Best Represent Transit Station Catchments?5010151510
1hc4v5k8Participatory urban planning in Brazil49618178
4d56r6xkModification of temperature-related human mortality by area-level socioeconomic and demographic characteristics in Latin American cities48224157
0d84c2f4The Half-Mile Circle: Does It Represent Transit Station Catchments?47123149
016170p4Regulating Traffic by Controlling Land Use: The Southern California Experience461117108
5w1761s5Slum Sanitation and the Social Determinants of Women's Health in Nairobi, Kenya.46324154
1s03j365Cows, Climate and the Media45918135
64j1x830Producing urban agroecology in the East Bay: from soil health to community empowerment45714186
7ng722gsModelling the propagation of social response during a disease outbreak.45126144
2gp4m4xqA Quiet Revolution in Transportation Finance: The Rise of Local Option Transportation Taxes4413101011
1fv5v3j6Understanding congestion propagation by combining percolation theory with the macroscopic fundamental diagram.431181014
1gt895m0Data-driven modeling of solar-powered urban microgrids.43224161
7ns570hpA new commercial boundary dataset for metropolitan areas in the USA and Canada, built from open data.43319174
2wv0h7rqLearning from Los Angeles: Transport, Urban Form, and Air Quality42102093
57d4z6vbWealth Inequality in the “Land of the Fee”: A Conversation with Devin Fergus42491613
85n2k966Correlation networks of air particulate matter ( PM 2.5 ): a comparative study.42125124
5n14w8tvCollective benefits in traffic during mega events via the use of information technologies.4125151
748006tfMeasuring the effectiveness of San Francisco's planning standard for pedestrian wind comfort41520151

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.