Berkeley Undergraduate Journal of Classics

Parent: Department of Classics

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
5hp5t0vtPlaying Offense: A Deeper Look into the Motivations and Significance of Sulla's March on Rome718376815.2%
510508bsThe Rape of Persephone in Children’s Media: Feminist Receptions of Classical Mythology66716350424.4%
0mt487s6Genital Depilation and Power in Classical Greece547225254.0%
9qw024tsWitchy Woman: Power, Drugs, and Memory in the <em>Odyssey</em>4115136012.4%
1071z9t4The Liminal and Universal: Changing Interpretations of Hekate4096134814.9%
2123r4bsThe Laudatio Turiae: A Source for Roman Political and Social History378333458.7%
4nm542kjTranslation of Catullus 51 and Sappho 31356343229.6%
3s05x142The Advantage of the Stronger: Hercules and Cacus in Vergil's Aeneid297252728.4%
9md661nmGanymede the Cup Bearer: Variations and Receptions of the Ganymede Myth2882925910.1%
1js6n2rzSocrates in Plato’s Symposium: a lover of wisdom who lacks wisdom on love249232269.2%
8s20d5ksHellenistic Jewelry &amp; the Commoditization of Elite Greek Women2312720411.7%
1pb8b0m4<em>Catullus 51</em>: Translated from Latin to English22612250.4%
67t7807dSea Monsters in Antiquity: A Classical and Zoological Investigation2032617712.8%
7zv7f9zsThucydides' Mytilenean Debate: Fifth Century Rhetoric and its Representation19261863.1%
277725g0Augustus and Auctoritas1881632586.7%
8th356bkThe Barbarian Dux Femina: A Study in Creating Boudicca1791136663.1%
4hb1r5wkFirst in Flight: Etruscan Winged "Demons"1574711029.9%
4920f86gThe Ionic Friezes of the Hephaisteion in the Athenian Agora147121358.2%
7qm395phMessenger, Prophet, Poet, Bee.1411712412.1%
56m627tsThe Declension of Bloom: Grammar, Diversion, and Union in Joyce’s <em>Ulysses</em>13651313.7%
18j8344n<em>Heroides 1</em> as a Programmatic Letter129547541.9%
2545790mDearest to be Man's Companion: Hermes, Divine Aid and Agency12671195.6%
3x96r415Callimachean Poetics12231192.5%
17j7v1xqManly Women and Womanly Men: An Analysis of Gender Stereotypes and Inversions in Terence’s Hecyra117585949.6%
1n57m2mfCharting the Unknown: Alice Kober, Her Phonetic Chart, and the Decipherment of Linear B108555350.9%
760519z3Frayed Around the Edges: Ovid’s Book and Ovid’s Identity in Tristia 1.1 and 3.110621041.9%
3rh4f9jdBow Designs on Ancient Greek Vases103455843.7%
60d532fzThe Philosophical Satire of Apuleius' Cupid and Psyche: Alignment and Contradiction in Allusions to Plato and Lucretius98138513.3%
40r9q64kAncient Roman Spaces that Served as Museums978898.2%
9jc563vrTimeless Masters of Rhetoric: Socrates and Johnnie Cochran97267126.8%
5sm203gkGifts to Apollo: Tracking Delphi’s Changing Role through Dedicatory Practice93108310.8%
060915fvAncient Information War within Greek Colonial Narratives: An Analysis of the Theraian-Cyrenean Founding Myth through Historiography and Archaeology92415144.6%
6245k9z5The Indo-European Religious Background of the Gygēs Tale in Hērodotos90167417.8%
1kb6v1h1A proposed framework for Roman "chastity crimes": Pudicitia in early Imperial Literature89494055.1%
6g73w5wwAssimilation or Destruction: The Christianization of Late Antique Statuary88127613.6%
1q34c89fArguing for the Truth: The Conflict of Truth and Rhetoric and its Ramifications in Plato’s and Isocrates’ Educational Ideologies8597610.6%
8pk0942wThe Political Nature of Plato’s <em>Symposium</em>823793.7%
9005x4bfThe Piraeus and the Panathenaia: Changing Customs in Late-Fifth Century Athens81305137.0%
4hf6h077Evidence for Cultural Influence and Trade in the Coinage of the Western Kshatrapas78552370.5%
6v36g9xwOvid’s Metamorphoses, Book I, Lines 539 through 559755706.7%
8qk493cvCicero’s Self-Fashioning of Control in Att.14-13B1-2737669.6%
9pk792r2Translations of Three Callimachus Epigrams (Epigrams 44, 59 and 42)693664.3%
1h32c2z5Defining Amantem: Dido and Popular Modern English Translations of the Aeneid66135319.7%
1m25f9hrColors of Conquest: A Regional Survey of Hellenistic Wall Painting66293743.9%
7xs3j06tThe Divine-Human Aporia in Presocratic Philosophy66234334.8%
5qk1f2bxHorace Ode 1.9631621.6%
06c6k7dvReception of Epicureanism at Rome: Cicero, Lucretius, and the Flexibility of Greek Models in the Late Republic61115018.0%
82r126p8Material culture in Late Antique Egypt: between pagan tradition and Christian assimilation.59253442.4%
90q29089Comic Spaces and Plautus’ Rudens593565.1%
8bd146qsSpring 2018 Cover580580.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.