
Parent: Medical Student Research Forum Posters

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
90z986r3Regional variation in cardiovascular genes enables a tractable genome editing strategy343318.8%
8dk1p953Narrative Memory: a story told by the hippocampus322306.3%
0tw2m6cdQuantifying How Early Environment Shapes Connectivity and Organization of Corticospinal Tract: Impact & Methodology311303.2%
1xb368j2A Proposed Mechanism to Adolescent Cannabis Induced Psychosis3052516.7%
26h7h34gAccuracy and Reliability of Noxious Stimuli Delivery in Altered Patients280280.0%
89v320ztThe Association Between Traumatic Brain Injuries and Adverse Childhood Experiences2542116.0%
98g6370bImaging Characteristics of Methamphetamine-Associated Ischemic Strokes242228.3%
87v4n622Genetic Correlates and Clinical Characteristics of Huntington’s disease Patients Followed Over the Lifespan at the HDSA Center of Excellence at UC Davis231224.3%
06s9w78cCharacterizing Alzheimer’s Disease Progression through Event Related Potential (ERP) Analysis220220.0%
5xq3515dDo Peripheral Nerve Sizes Correlate with Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter?221214.5%
8pr5f8n6Post-traumatic Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis: Prevalence and Risk Factors220220.0%
4d705116Acute Predictors of Stroke Recovery: A Feasibility Study2171433.3%
3cw5867nDoes metformin slow cognitive decline in individuals with Fragile X Syndrome?190190.0%
3kt954fnCorrelation between age of onset and genotype with systemic symptomatology in Aicardi Goutières Syndrome1921710.5%
7hm5c26vHealth Related Quality of Life in Cerebral Palsy Patients at Shriners Hospital for Children, Northern California1521313.3%
6129b77rThe Diminishing Gap in USMLE Scores Amongst Neurosurgery Residency Applicants140140.0%
0cv0v3b3Atrial fibrillation is a risk factor forcerebrovascular disease:A diffusion tensor imaging study131127.7%
45p0884mAdvances in Deep Neuropathological Phenotyping of Alzheimer’s disease: Past, Present, and Future91811.1%
7j9018pzPredicting Risk of Neurologic Patient Readmission91811.1%
8gx4f174The Therapeutic Potential of Placental Mesenchymal Stem Cells and their Exosomes for the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases8080.0%
01w9g83tExosomal MicroRNAs from Mesenchymal Stem/stromal Cells: Biology and Applications in Neuroprotection7070.0%
25k2s9xrMethamphetamine-associated psychosis in acute stroke7070.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.