Econometrics Colloquium Schedule

Parent: Department of Economics

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
604212sjAggregate vs Disaggregate Data Analysis - A Paradox in the Estimation of a Money Demand Function of Japan Under the Low Interest Rate Policy7070.0%
7qc9j1qgVehicle Choice Behavior and teh Declining Market Share of U.S. Automakers7070.0%
8315980bRisk and Volatility: Econometric Models and Financial Practice7070.0%
2s21p72rWhat's in a Word or Two?6060.0%
5qk764qkSemiparametric Hierarchical Bayes Analysis of Discrete Panel Data with State Dependence and Serial Correlation6060.0%
81b3d27jThe Second-Order Bias and Mean Squared Error of Estimators in Time Series Models6060.0%
9zh47277Estimation, Learning and Parameters of Interest in a Multiple Outcome Selection Model6060.0%
3vm117htNo meeting; rescheduled for June 4.5050.0%
7rj9b7p3Time Series Analysis, Cointegration, and Applications3030.0%
8x1437bsGeneralized Empirical Likelihood Estimators and Tests under Partial, weak and Strong Identification3030.0%
9nz7x2phNo meeting; rescheduled for April 16.3030.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.