Paul Merage School of Business

Parent: UC Irvine

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
5md5r2hnBehavioral Finance82638230.4%
5cg6g96mDell Computer: Organization of a Global Production Network6746363894.4%
37872078Enterprise Risk Management: Review, Critique, and Research Directions64313550821.0%
0hr038jmMoral Judgment and Decision Making591485438.1%
1sd7m2gcCorporate social responsibility as a source of employee satisfaction4173585985.9%
2nc1b8v9Choice of employee-organization relationship: Influence of external and internal organizational factors3705331714.3%
4x42413qEnter the dragon: China's computer industry3623283490.6%
3wt7v06jImpacts of Globalization on E-Commerce Use and Firm Performance: A Cross-Country Investigation30811119736.0%
9fp097s4Spiced: The Global Marketing of Psychoactive Substances27810817038.8%
0rs87616Post-Adoption Variations in Usage and Value of E-Business by Organizations: Cross-Country Evidence from the Retail Industry26914312653.2%
3c66k9vsCronyism and Nepotism Are Bad for Everyone: The Research Evidence263252389.5%
42b0942sTask Interdependence and Extrarole Behavior: A Test of the Mediating Effects of Felt Responsibility2253818716.9%
81m0w9tqInnovation diffusion in global contexts: determinants of post-adoption digital transformation of European companies2241824281.3%
70w6s39xThe distribution of value in the mobile phone supply chain22310112245.3%
73h7k69kResearch Methodology in the "Public Administration Review," 1975-19842212021991.4%
295119d6Can Strategic Risk Management Contribute to Enterprise Risk Management? A Strategic Management Perspective21182033.8%
7zm162tsOperations management and the resource based view: Another view2071822587.9%
7524j2vkAND?: How to Build Relationships through Inventive Negotiation2008111940.5%
4jz33805Information technology and economic performance: A critical review of the empirical evidence19631931.5%
6h38k9xxThe impact of exchange rate volatility on the industry-level geographic diversification of global supply chain network1962517112.8%
9fd2v2pdConditions under which employees respond positively to enriched work1951504576.9%
5j0215crRevisiting External Validity: Concerns about Trolley Problems and Other Sacrificial Dilemmas in Moral Psychology1884414423.4%
5jg9p3f2The Effects of Tax Avoidance News on Employee Perceptions of Managers and Firms: Evidence from Ratings1841493581.0%
65f997fqA New Measure of Disclosure Quality: The Level of Disaggregation of Accounting Data in Annual Reports183958851.9%
2jq1v3rrEyes Wide Open: Perceived Exploitation and Its Consequences181859647.0%
811454w1The Challenges of March and Simon’s Organizations: Introduction to the Special Issue179151648.4%
8hj58186Employee Responses to Formal Performance Appraisal Feedback1661914711.4%
5x0053jb11 The Effects of Governments on Management and Organization1642513915.2%
14k6s0pvSocial, Behavioral, and Cognitive Influences on Upper Echelons During Strategy Process1601382286.3%
4sz058k6Information Technology Payoff in E-Business Environments: An International Perspective on Value Creation of E-Business in the Financial Services Industry1591461391.8%
70z5b0ngAre investors moonstruck? Lunar phases and stock returns155767949.0%
7p46k5rfTesting a Causal Model of Corporate Risk-taking and Performance1551391689.7%
15r2p0g1Internal Governance and Real Earnings Management1492212714.8%
2m211281The Decreasing Trend in U.S. Cash Effective Tax Rates: The Role of Growth in Pre-Tax Income1423510724.6%
61x575z7The Process of Innovation Assimilation by Firms in Different Countries: A Technology Diffusion Perspective on E-Business140786255.7%
4cr4x3qxPsychological Contracts in Organizations: Understanding Written and Unwritten Agreements.137894865.0%
3pw857wzStrategic use of the Internet and e-commerce: Cisco Systems130597145.4%
3wc412t4Volunteers: The organizational behavior of unpaid workers127507739.4%
0kh9h1zgOvercoming Conflict Between Symmetric Occupations: How “Creatives” and “Suits” Use Gender Ordering in Advertising1262010615.9%
3k18q4jjExpectations of organizational mobility, workplace social inclusion, and employee job performance1252110416.8%
2vd4253dAn empirical examination of the use of bargaining power and its impacts on supply chain financial performance1241411011.3%
54j7z903Managing the Unknowable1211510612.4%
6m6788kxThe performance effects of creative imitation on original products: Evidence from lab and field experiments121586347.9%
8bv0s60bCoordinating Supply and Demand on an On-Demand Service Platform with Impatient Customers121616050.4%
7gs0s54sIssues in the Use of the Event Study Methodology: A Critical Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility Studies118457338.1%
8t9214v5Impact of a Central-Line Insertion Site Assessment (CLISA) score on localized insertion site infection to prevent central-line–associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI)118289023.7%
1770046nWho Captures Value in a Global Innovation System? The case of Apple's iPod116348229.3%
62t572mrFacilitating Adolescent Well‐Being: A Review of the Challenges and Opportunities and the Beneficial Roles of Parents, Schools, Neighborhoods, and Policymakers110159513.6%
1c75h3grBusiness Cycle Management and Firm Performance: Tying the Empirical Knot106159114.2%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.