Scores / Media

Parent: Integrated Composition, Improvisation and Technology (ICIT)

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for September through December, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
4hw036wsThe Rumpus760760.0%
50j6x5crall nearness pauses, while a star can grow2832510.7%
2mr1f1t8In the In-Between210210.0%
8gk671qq18 Points of Coincidence210210.0%
19c8535rRiley's Revenge190190.0%
2cd323drFor Zero190190.0%
8gn0194rShadow Play180180.0%
993192mkUpon Reflection160160.0%
2wp6n3tmI, Alone150150.0%
6q56j765Insta-pene-playtion (Interproviplaytion II)140140.0%
0sf178kcNow & Tomorrow130130.0%
31t392zjFar Cries: Part 1, Ansan130130.0%
6h74r7r6There's Just One Thing You Need To Know130130.0%
70p7v3z0Play for Me (Interproviplaytion III)130130.0%
8pw4s0gbSomewhere In The Upstream, in memory of Yusef Lateef (1920-2013)135838.5%
33d9d1cmIndignant Minority Scheme120120.0%
3z79z8hf(Cycles) America120120.0%
5xj593zkLine/Phase Minutiae120120.0%
8844q6kpPoint of No Arrival120120.0%
9fx7g1qhCycles Interrupted120120.0%
5qb21800This and That100100.0%
6fv361x5for instance, today101910.0%
7pn8c747Resonating Abstractions103730.0%
5bn4m9fjTrans (Interproviplaytion V)9090.0%
6t12b79sDirect Current9090.0%
3309r97mFalsetas Móviles8080.0%
24b296c3Forget the Pixel7070.0%
8798j4z1Mannam (Interproviplaytion VI)7070.0%
8gv067ffIn Tongues (Interproviplaytion IV)5050.0%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.