UCLA Department of French and Francophone Studies

Parent: UCLA

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
8qt465qhThe Abject: Kristeva and the Antigone2151833285.1%
96b0x72cModern Transitions in 19th Century Paris: Baudelaire and Renoir1591253478.6%
5899b43tLaïcité in the French Public School System : an exception française ?147826555.8%
22d882tx"XX+XX=XX": Monique Wittig's Reproduction of the Monstrous Lesbian143836058.0%
8p45g78nLe nationalisme de Barrès : Moi, la terre et les morts1391142582.0%
9p34b4n1Le discours fantastique de La Morte amoureuse1361181886.8%
8jx194fwChronique d’une mort annoncée : les métamorphoses du pouvoir dans Le Légataire universel (1708)1301111985.4%
4pf9v8f2“Ceux-là Qui Partent pour Partir”: Travel as Relinquishment in Charles Baudelaire's Le Voyage127309723.6%
7p92b81t“Under a Foreign Sky:” Place and Displacement in James Baldwin’s Giovanni’s Room127497838.6%
9x23439nLes Géorgiques de Claude Simon : la particularité de la généralisation124408432.3%
3891m6db« Je ne suis pas de la famille » : Queerness as Exception in Gide's L 'immoraliste and Genet's Journal du Voleur122348827.9%
7444f0z3The Logic of the Undecidable: An Interview with René Girard1211021984.3%
4j7246jkGeorges Perec--La Disparition des manipulations sur le langage pour interpréter le réel116962082.8%
28g992w9Exile and Identity in the Plays of Maryse Condé114367831.6%
7b14d5wnMagic and Mesmerism in Saint Domingue114328228.1%
7dn778pkMemory as Construction in Viollet-le-Duc's Architectural Imagination113684560.2%
1879912wPerforming the Immigrant: The Works of Calixthe Beyala and Fatou Diome108614756.5%
0ns0j1n9The (Wo)Man in the Iron Mask: Cross-dressing, Writing and Sexuality in L'Histoire de la Marquise-Marquis de Banneville105277825.7%
1g95g1s9‘That God Within:’ Writing Female Genius from Diderot to Staël104139112.5%
27v5k4gcAn Interview with Jonathan Culler104307428.8%
7v9615hgThe Profound Complicity of George Batailie's Blue of Noon104832179.8%
8031p7smMémoires du « bled » : Entretien avec Alain Ricard103346933.0%
0hf6j7v5"What About the Audience? What About Them?" : Spectatorship and Cinematic Pleasure101267525.7%
75z5r782Bodies of Enlightenment in Diderot's Encyclopédie101732872.3%
1pz7t9qnLes plis dans les puits: Identity and Narrative in Myriam Warner-Vieyra's Juletane100792179.0%
4sj933mbGhost-Ridden Authors/Ghost-Written Texts: Female Phantoms in Two Works by André Breton and Georges Bataille94227223.4%
7pr7f7kxThe City that is not a City94454947.9%
7qz8v7jf‘Le grand fantôme’ : Actor as Specter in Diderot’s Paradoxe sur le comédien93227123.7%
8z72z95wSubversion, fragmentation et mixité – Structures de la mémoire dans <em>C’est maintenant du passé</em> de Marianne Rubinstein91316034.1%
06m9d9r0Classical Aesthetics, Modem Ethics: Lacan, Kierkegaard, Sophocles, Anouilh86186820.9%
4r82s45pCharting Collaborative Practices: Acknowledgements86167018.6%
6pj4f154Alain Robbe-Grillet: Sex and Violence or the Destruction of the Traditional Novel84592570.2%
1323z44wMichelet et le renouvellement de l’Histoire : une subversion du passé monarchique au profit d’une mémoire républicaine ?82117113.4%
3fj1s346Le Passage ou l'architecture du devenir82196323.2%
5031q3jsExquisite Corpses: Representations of Violence in the Collective Surrealist Unconscious82532964.6%
80d3h4rxNom du père / nom d'auteur : les origines énigmatiques du Fresne82146817.1%
5ww094n7Virtual Bodies: Anatomy, Technology, and the Inhuman in Descartes81592272.8%
8xf4h66sThe Bodypolitics of Feminist Science Fiction: Elisabeth Vonarburg’s Le Silence de la cité80562470.0%
1gr5c8crThe Ghetto Novels of Guillaume Dustan79473259.5%
7ft1g1msTraverses: une interview avec Michel de Certeau79493062.0%
5f57h784Homosexualité mon amour : Derrida and the Haunting of Sodom78591975.6%
2jf516kbLa Dame pipi du quarante-quatrième étage: l’exil et la marge dans Stupeurs et Tremblements d’Amélie Nothomb77482962.3%
3w76w31cLe troc des femmes ou la révolte de Dora76156119.7%
8zr1t8xjAssia Djebar’s Vaste est la prison: Platform for a New Space of Agency and Feminine Enunciation in Algeria76552172.4%
0bj5t7hwAn Elusive Vision: Genesis and Apocalypse in <em>Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein</em>72284438.9%
8h50z8dfMichel Houellebecq: The Impossibility of Being an Island72472565.3%
8xm8x3v6(Auto)biographic Algerian Travels of Albert Camus and Assia Djebar72244833.3%
1d48d7wxBetween fantasque and fantasmagorique: a fantastic reading of Balzac's La Peau de Chagrin71482367.6%
6h90406n"I am a Woman": The Body as Background in The Second Sex69492071.0%
9x11c70qFrench Folie: Memory and Madness in Buñuel’s Belle de Jour69531676.8%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.