UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs

Parent: UCLA

eScholarship stats: History by Item for June through September, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-092024-082024-072024-06
5d00z61mResearch Roundup: The Effect of Market-Rate Development on Neighborhood Rents1,704508405402389
70r0p7q4(Dis)Placement: The Fight for Housing and Community After Echo Park Lake67110778132354
7kz997d2Human Settlements, Infrastructure, and Spatial Planning492135139112106
0r53h7pwBuilding Up the "Zoning Buffer": Using Broad Upzones to Increase Housing Capacity Without Increasing Land Values446171919094
87r4543qDoes the Los Angeles region have too many vacant homes?436110114103109
3xk9j8m2The Factors Influencing Transit Ridership: A Review and Analysis of the Ridership Literature4079491110112
6dw2s4qjThe Tenant Power Toolkit in 2023360406455201
00q6f89fAlternatives to the Low Income Housing Tax Credit 328277174156
1mc9t108Reconsidering Social Equity in Public Transit318103707570
0jk614srValue Capture Reconsidered: What if L.A. was Actually Building Too Little?302701464838
9c14p6d5What's Youth Got to Do with It? Exploring the Travel Behavior of Teens and Young Adults29372778559
1jv1p99nHow Will the Measure ULA Transfer Tax Initiative Impact Housing Production in Los Angeles?292140743939
4149t7pmSouth-Central Los Angeles: Anatomy of an Urban Crisis289815510548
51v45549Trauma, Post-Migration Stress, and Mental Health: A Comparative Analysis of Refugees and Immigrants in the United States28772648170
49s9r7trCritical Planning: Volume 2528584946641
2gz6c8cvUD Day: Impending Evictions and Homelessness in Los Angeles24852548557
4vz087ccThe High Cost of Free Parking24459804263
6dx7914mA Flawed Law: Reforming California’s Housing Element 24245605087
41g6f5cjMethodologies for Housing Justice Resource Guide24161515475
07g5r002COVID-19 and the Digital Divide in Virtual Learning23992744033
4kq1j0dfHousing Justice in Unequal Cities23467784742
7q3340n2Ethnic, Racial, and Neighborhood Mortgage Inequality: The Case of Los Angeles, Fresno, and Sacramento224361844
450871hzPlacemaking for an Aging Population: Guidelines for Senior-Friendly Parks22241716545
1gt5f9x2Los Angeles Urban Forest Equity: Assessment, Tools, and Recommendations22041358856
91p6c5zvProgress, Priorities, and Obstacles to Providing Adequate Shade and Lighting at Bus Stops in Los Angeles219193361106
0fx2c8pnBus Shelter Equity: A study of the distribution of bus shelters in Los Angeles County and unincorporated communities 21764304578
8h37k87jLADWP LA100 Equity Strategies Chapter 13. Energy Affordability and Policy Solutions Analysis21755526545
3mn6q0zmScreening Method and Map for Evaluating Transportation Access Disparities and Other Built Environment-Related Determinants of Health21551655247
9jh257j5Unveiling Latino Housing Insecurity in California21340694757
595296xrLessons from California's Homekey Program: Adding Affordable Housing by Buying Market-Rate Apartment Buildings20631595066
5pw706tfWho Profits from Crisis? Housing Grabs in Time of Recovery19542437139
6m14d4rtRecommendations for UNITE HERE! Local 11 to Address the Affordable Housing Shortage in Los Angeles County19534705140
7mj2b24qThe Implications of Freeway Siting in California: Four Case Studies on the Effects of Freeways on Neighborhoods of Color19144425748
32f652h4Transportation Challenges to Healthcare: Evaluating the Transportation Needs of Patients at Saban Community Clinic18938526039
1qr84990Parking requirements as a barrier to housing development: regulation and reform in Los Angeles18852654031
5cq440z3Enhancing Mobility and Access for Carless & Car-Deficit Households in Los Angeles18527684644
8gd2p9z3Next Stop: Transit Oriented Communities18436534748
38x5760jA Primer on California's "Builder's Remedy" for Housing-Element Noncompliance17825365463
6jr2j2znBarriers to Engagement: Client Perspectives from a Community Based Organization17229336149
32m1g6xkHousing And Community Development In California: An In-Depth Analysis of the Facts, Origins and Trends of Housing and Community Development in California17140474638
1cq879dcUrban Mobility and Economic Shock: How Bangkok’s Transportation System Weathered the 1997 Financial Crisis16431484540
5h6667kpPrioritizing Black Lives in L.A.’s Traffic Safety Efforts, Revisited16427243677
07k0w0s8The Los Angeles Non-Profit Sector: A Profile16232395140
1f1619skInclusive Park Design for People of All Housing Statuses: Tools for Restoring Unhoused Individuals’ Rights in Public Parks 15948483429
8rn1426wThe Transit Effect: A Decade of Change at LA Metro Rail Stations 157234094
5qq342m2Changing the Plan: How “Feminist Cities” and Feminist Political Ecology Can Inform More Equitable and Climate- Just City Planning Practice15624473946
7z09z4q2Intergenerational Trauma in Refugee Families: A Systematic Review15538444429
1b61p7xgRegional Development Reconsidered15323583735
2hc1r7fxThe Power of Debt: Identity and Collective Action in the Age of Finance15141233948
5f48f7tgLost Hours, Lost Opportunities: The Toll of Extreme Travel on Lower Income Communities in the San Fernando Valley15023403651

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.