Open Access Policy Deposits

Parent: Department of Economics, UCSC

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
1943q4mwEssays on India in a Global Context    453264275.7%
9qr7z6x1Essays on India’s Economic Growth364153494.1%
9k29n6qnThe Impossible Trinity (aka The Policy Trilemma)3606929119.2%
21f993s2The Impact of COVID-19 on Small Business Owners: Continued Losses and the Partial Rebound in May 20202131922190.1%
1jm9h533Essays on India’s Economy: Perspectives on Policy Reform171101615.8%
0067j7f0An Extension of the Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition Technique to Logit and Probit Models141101317.1%
2669k2wwEssays on India’s Political Economy    1412711419.1%
8q51t8z1Opportunity versus Necessity Entrepreneurship: Two Components of Business Creation1332011315.0%
2591v2w7Have we finally bridged the digital divide? Smart phone and Internet use patterns by race and ethnicity129339625.6%
8fc2c026Essays on India’s Economy: Growth and Innovation125121139.6%
9z21r44xDoes too much finance harm economic growth?124596547.6%
48h8h99wRace and the Digital Divide105178816.2%
0v59942gAsymmetric Federalism in India100406040.0%
2qs4h3t9Federalism and Economic Development in India: An Assessment94177718.1%
8cq7g4c9The Impossible Trinity – from the Policy Trilemma to the Policy Quadrilemma89286131.5%
7dz5095tIndia’s System of Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations88691978.4%
00p8f01tExternal Balance Sheets and the COVID-19 Crisis82107212.2%
14t55658Breaking the Mold: Thoughts on Punjab’s Future Economic Development76156119.7%
3md9p6t5Goals and Rules in Central Bank Design74353947.3%
7cz1p5k7Climate Disasters and Exchange Rates: Are Beliefs Keeping up with Climate Change?74403454.1%
6945t95kImmigration and Entrepreneurship69541578.3%
9776f1wdEffects of the Minimum Wage on Employment Dynamics69501972.5%
8s25m320Do looks matter for an academic career in economics?64392560.9%
0nm6x99wThe Personal Computer and Entrepreneurship63125119.0%
1ph1x8dvThe Idea of South Asia and the Role of the Middle Class62323051.6%
5gk2188gWhy Are Black-Owned Businesses Less Successful than White-Owned Businesses? The Role of Families, Inheritances, and Business Human Capital62501280.6%
38j2b036Sudden Stops and the Mexican Wave: Currency Crises, Capital Flow Reversals and Output Loss in Emerging Markets60461476.7%
4x61w83fResearch needs for a food system transition60382263.3%
8m27w1r7Market Failures and Misallocation59441574.6%
1g36f3sdCredit Markets and Patterns of International Trade57431475.4%
1n60b6p6The impact of COVID‐19 on small business owners: Evidence from the first three months after widespread social‐distancing restrictions57421573.7%
11b543tkFiscal Federalism and Decentralization in India∗56114519.6%
3p38k7c8Drug Dealing and Legitimate Self-Employment56263046.4%
9622h00nAutomated Enforcement of Irrigation Regulations and Social Pressure for Water Conservation56401671.4%
17h5v7rjMonitoring Banking System Connectedness with Big Data54272750.0%
0x3809sfEntrepreneurship, Economic Conditions, and the Great Recession51381374.5%
8j01m41bICTs and Rural Development in India51133825.5%
1bv0n7dbChina's capital flight: Pre- and post-crisis experiences50341668.0%
4gc7c4pxThe Political Economy of India’s Federal System and its Reform504468.0%
863813n4Aggregation level in stress testing models50331766.0%
1062k4v8Conditional cash lotteries increase COVID-19 vaccination rates49391079.6%
4938f518Order Protection through Delayed Messaging49371275.5%
98p5m37sFinancial Inclusion: Concepts, Issues and Policies for India49202940.8%
0rd0g01gOpportunity Versus Necessity Entrepreneurship: Two Components of Business Creation48331568.8%
6td6x9htFamilies, Human Capital, and Small Business: Evidence from the Characteristics of Business Owners Survey48103820.8%
9x83w5k4Entrepreneurship Training, Risk Aversion and Other Personality Traits: Evidence from a Random Experiment48301862.5%
1d62r9n5Trade Productivity Upgrading, Trade Fragmentation, and FDI in Manufacturing: The Asian Development Experience47351274.5%
4370m6p1Asymmetric Federalism in India47113623.4%
9nj1q298The offshore renminbi exchange rate: Microstructure and links to the onshore market4739883.0%
2bq5f1zqAutomated Enforcement of Irrigation Regulations and Social Pressure for Water Conservation46311567.4%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.