Challenger: A McNair Scholars Paper Series

Parent: Undergraduate Research Hub

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
5wp8b3jjMemoir and Writing and Intergenerational Trauma: The Reparative Powerof Personal Narrative1636310038.7%
9js9p7vvThe Criminalization of Black Girls in K-12 U.S Schools: A Public Health Issue120408033.3%
7gc2w3mcAmor y Apoyo: Lecciones de Latinx Families in Nourishing Resilience to First and Second-Generation College Students93177618.3%
3mj8m3qpControlling Two Languages: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Immersion in Second-Language Learning89157416.9%
73m1x2scInvestigation into potential range shifts of murrelet species in the Southern California Current Ecosystem57263145.6%
11093367Mind, Body, and (De)Mystic: Indigenous Epistemologies in K-Ming Chang’s Magical Realist Short Fiction 55282750.9%
75s3g91bThe Impact of Climate Shocks and Women’s Empowerment on Child Undernutrition in Mozambique53134024.5%
1nb743prAchieving Sustainability in Aviation525479.6%
7pm2t2vpInvestigating Neuro-cognitive Function in Individuals from Different Racial and Ethnic Backgrounds & its Interactions with Resilience5294317.3%
90f1j3vqUse of Inclusive Language and Coordination of Bias Reporting Mechanisms Creates a Better User Experience52173532.7%
3dw3k0fhSetting the Table: An Exploration of Chamoru Fiestas as a Site of Indigenous Survivance in the Wake of White Settler Colonialism3773018.9%
9ww0v5j2Predictors of Therapists Use of Homework in Community Mental Health: Session and Therapist Characteristics2532212.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.