Replication/Extension Papers 2021 - 2022

Parent: Cognitive Science & Psychology Division, ULAB

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
34c0z5btThe Self Congruity Effect of Music: A Replication and Extension Study   Mentees: Sean Adami, Ruth Feng, Allison Kuo, Sahana Noru, Kellan SanchezMentor: Sarah Shafaeen93336035.5%
6sw5v0t5The Effect of Social Stress and Trust on Cognition and Health in American Adults: A Replication and Extension Study66135319.7%
8fw3f6njOverblown Implications Effect: A Prevalent Metaperception Error. A Replication and Extension Study5865210.3%
0667f7dgAnalogical Transfer of Tool-Dependent Problem Solving in Toddlers: A Replication and Extension Study3042613.3%
0dt471dsOrigins of Homophily In Infants: A Replication and Extension Study2532212.0%
0t09k7dhDevelopment of Racial Essentialism in Early Childhood2432112.5%
6zc3h9tfOur Dictator Called Love—How the Heart Influences Moral Judgment2361726.1%
3sn8d3m5Schoolchildren’s Transitive Reasoning with the Spatial Relation ‘is left/right of’: A Replication and Extension Study2021810.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.