Cognitive Science & Psychology Division, ULAB

Parent: Undergraduate Laboratory at Berkeley (ULAB)

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for March through June, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
68s4038jHow Do Foreign Accents Impact Perception and Credibility?353253287.1%
3sb656vrSelectively Distracted: Divided Attention and Memory for Important Information - A replication and extension study132101227.6%
62s9z257The Social Brain Network: Dynamics Of Social Connectivity and Isolation: A Replication and Extension Study95336234.7%
34c0z5btThe Self Congruity Effect of Music: A Replication and Extension Study   Mentees: Sean Adami, Ruth Feng, Allison Kuo, Sahana Noru, Kellan SanchezMentor: Sarah Shafaeen93336035.5%
8zd3v64rThe Effects of Mindfulness on False Memory Production and the Depression-Focused Attention Link: A Replication and Extension Study797728.9%
1rr9g7gxThe effect of food anticipation on cognitive function- A replication study690690.0%
6sw5v0t5The Effect of Social Stress and Trust on Cognition and Health in American Adults: A Replication and Extension Study66135319.7%
2fn972g8Childhood Adversity, Stress in Adulthood, Emotion Regulation Strategies and Inflammation: A Replication and Extension Study62184429.0%
1mb3k613Comparative Morphological Processing in Adult Chinese-English Bilinguals: Insights from ERP and Electrophysiological Responses60263443.3%
8fw3f6njOverblown Implications Effect: A Prevalent Metaperception Error. A Replication and Extension Study5865210.3%
427638w7The Early Development of Gender-related Gay/lesbian Stereotypes572553.5%
60j1h9v2The Effect of Mood States on the Reduction of False Memories: A Replication andExtension Study554517.3%
6sm1b5d8Linking Childhood Emotional Abuse and Psychological Problems in Adulthood: A Replication and Extension Study53282552.8%
83b6w61xExploring the Role of Genetics in Self Control: A Replication and Extension Study53302356.6%
9850j6jvThe Unintended Consequences Of The Things We Say: A Replication and Extension53173632.1%
9114m1xwReplication and Extension of the Comparison of Wrist Actigraphy and Sleep Diaries in Measuring Sleep in Healthy Adults4874114.6%
4rk794ctGender stereotypes about intellectual ability emergy early and influence children's interests: extension and replication472454.3%
2h67b7njThe influence of fundamental frequency on perceived duration: A replication study451442.2%
28k7p8jcExperiential Stress and Physiological Stress: Implication of Coherence. A Replication and Extension Study4163514.6%
4n1922gtAn Extension Study: fMRI use to Distinguish Between Deception andGeneral Memory3943510.3%
2nx8m7d0Visual Attention Intensifies Emotion: A Replication Study380380.0%
6k67s0nkMood Induction Techniques and Mind-body Practices on Mind-Wandering & Well-being: A Replication and Extension Study36162044.4%
5p27r08qReplicating and Extending Upon “Hindsight Bias in Depression”33122136.4%
81r4m8k3An Extension of “Can fMRI discriminate between deception and false memory? A meta-analytic comparison between deception and false memory studies”3352815.2%
65d8n640Significant Group-Level Brain Activity during Trail-Making Test Performance323299.4%
6zb444txContext in Emotion Recognition: A Replication and Extension Study3142712.9%
0667f7dgAnalogical Transfer of Tool-Dependent Problem Solving in Toddlers: A Replication and Extension Study3042613.3%
1d85q1sxA Reversal of Roles: Effects of Visual Attention on Emotion. A replication of Attention drives emotion: Voluntary visual attention increases perceived emotional intensity.260260.0%
8cj8s8swInvariant Representations of Mass in the Human Brain and Its Effects on Inferences on Physical Collisions2691734.6%
9n2618c3All in a Day’s Laugh: A Replication and Extension of the Stress-Buffering Model of Positive Affect2642215.4%
0dt471dsOrigins of Homophily In Infants: A Replication and Extension Study2532212.0%
0t09k7dhDevelopment of Racial Essentialism in Early Childhood2432112.5%
6zc3h9tfOur Dictator Called Love—How the Heart Influences Moral Judgment2361726.1%
1rf5320bEvaluating the Effects of Fatigue-Induction on Mice’s Cognitive Behavior221214.5%
2gv9b1pxLingering Negative Affect in Response to Daily Stressors in relation with Physical Health Years Later: A Longitudinal Replication2251722.7%
3sn8d3m5Schoolchildren’s Transitive Reasoning with the Spatial Relation ‘is left/right of’: A Replication and Extension Study2021810.0%
1mf941grA Cognitive Model of the Generation of Singular Concepts and the Mental Systems Involved1931615.8%
2sg15990‘Fairness Informs Social Decision Making in Infancy’ - Replication1841422.2%
33p662qrDo human screams permit individual recognition? - Replication1821611.1%
4xc6n2bjExploration of Subthreshold Beta-Amyloid Levels and Effects on Longitudinal Cognitive Function1621412.5%
4xn8x877How Relationships Bias Moral Reasoning: Neural and Self-Report Evidence: A Replication and Extention Study1621412.5%
0x02t1gsAerobic Exercise for Alzheimer’s Disease131127.7%
5g81c2nmChildren’s Use of Gender as a Social Cue: A Replication Study1321115.4%
95m180f9A Statistical Replication of the Relationship Between Dimension-Switch and Language Comprehension in Young Children124833.3%
23t4z60wConsistency and variability in functional localisers112918.2%
7jh2h32gDistinct Representations of Subtraction and Multiplication in the Neural Systems for Numerosity and Language - A replication study113827.3%
6k5084pjVisual Field Maps of the Visual Cortex9090.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.