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Parent: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
6zr8t8swTrabajo femenino, Empoderamiento y Bienestar de la Familia96257126.0%
30s6n73sCampaign Finance and Playing Field "Levelness" Issues in the Run-up to Mexico's July 2006 Presidential Election753724.0%
9wh8s0bkLa Migración Centroamericana en la Frontera Sur: un Perfil del Riesgo en la Migración Indocumentada Internacional69343549.3%
64h1q2zmEl Campo Queretano En Transición67343350.7%
3xn8j42kEl comportamiento del mercado de trabajo en América Latina en el contexto de la globalización económica60421870.0%
6d13m8rcManaging Transborder Cooperation on Public Security: The Tijuana-San Diego Region4083220.0%
8c8206b6Beyond Ethnic Entrepreneurship: Ethnicity and the Economy in Enterprise38122631.6%
3v39q4j0Analyzing the Performance of Local Government in Mexico: A Political Explanation of Municipal Budgetary Choices37102727.0%
63r8f039A Tale of Two Borders: the U.S.-Mexico and U.S.-Canada Lines After 9-113553014.3%
9nx130m2The Virgin, the Priest, and the Flag: Political Mobilization of Mexican Immigrants in Chicago, Houston, and New York3553014.3%
7bd2q897Urban and Transnational Politics in America: Novus Ordo Seclorum?29111837.9%
2876r0jvGobierno y Congreso en México: necesidad de una relación simétrica2772025.9%
1nv217wdTendencias recientes de las remesas de los migrantes mexicanos en Estados Unidos242228.3%
0p58579mLa democracia ajena: Jóvenes, socialización política y constitución de la ciudadanía en Baja California.2351821.7%
1th6m6nmIntroduction to the Panel on Social Costs of Urban and Industrial Growth in Northern Mexico2151623.8%
5xt9g0wpParadox of Mexican Firms' Modernization During the 1990s2161528.6%
73v1n9n1Rural Responses to Climatic Variability and Institutional Change in Central Mexico2141719.0%
4jq0f4d4When Judges Go Public: The Selective Promotion of Case Results on the Mexican Supreme Court2061430.0%
5h93g1gkThe Chicago-Houston Report: Political Mobilization of Mexican Immigrants in American Cities2031715.0%
6421g093Non Bis In Idem: Mexican Regulation and International Standards1951426.3%
5qh399jxMucho Grande Problema: Is That Right Mr. Huntington?1431121.4%
507194k3Segmentation of Skills and Social Polarization In Tijuana’s Assembly Plant Industry123925.0%

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.